Thursday, November 18, 2010

From True Grit to True Grope

I’ve been watching the whole Transportation Security Administration (TSA) virtual strip search/grope-y pat down shenanigans with outraged incredulity and yes, disappointment.

What is happening to America? A friend who’s former military sees it as no big deal. People calling into conservative radio talk shows declare they have no problem with this offensive, intrusive, misguided, and ineffectual policy if it would keep them safe. Don’t they know that those who are willing to give up their freedom for a little bit of security deserve neither? Even Bill O’Reilly of "The O’Reilly Factor" stated he had no problem with the scanners like it was some kind of I’m-So-Hip-And-Tolerant badge of honor, or worse, a bone thrown to the politically correct crowd after his Muslim remarks ignited a small firestorm.

Have we become a nation of sheeple? How can people give up their 4th Amendment protection from unreasonable search and seizure without a whimper just because our government and the Left can’t face the fact of who it is that wants to blow us up and thus must abuse all Americans?

As far as I’m concerned, if we let this pass without protest we might as well all just bend over for the rectal exam and say ‘ah.’

Happily the American people aren’t taking this sitting down as reported by World Net Daily (WND). Many are fighting back with letters of protest, petitions, and boycotts. Even New Jersey state lawmakers are demanding that Congress review the TSA's legally questionable enhanced security screenings. The sleeping giant awakened by the Tea Party is still stomping around, American Grit intact, as people refuse to bow to the likes of Barack Obama, Janet Napolitano, and their dopey elitist solutions to stop terrorists that criminalize and sexually molest innocent citizens.

Still, it’s very troubling that the TSA agents are saying don’t blame us, we’re just doing our job. The policies come from Washington, they insist, and we’re just as helpless and upset as the passengers. Not to be harsh, but this sounds a lot like the typical Nazi response when they protested they were just following orders as they systematically murdered the Jews.

Of course, TSA agents are not killing people... they’re just inappropriately groping their fellow Americans. But the principle is the same. In this climate of political correctness, it seems we’ve gone from True Grit to True Grope. Patriots to Patsies. The Greatest Generation to the Most Spineless. Exactly how much farther are we willing to go?

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