Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Miscellanea

1. I saw a nifty cartoon recently. It showed a boss and an employee talking.

Boss: “Bob, you are the most honest, trustworthy, joyful, patient, kind, loyal, and respectful employee I’ve ever had work for me.”

Bob (thinking to himself): Honesty (Exodus 20:16), trustworthiness (Exodus 20:15), joy, patience, kindness (Galatians 5:22-23), and loyalty and respect (1 Peter 2:17-18).

Boss: “Keep it up, but just make sure you keep your Christianity and Bible stuff out of the office.”

How typical. People wants all the fruits of Christianity such as good employees, loyal friends, freedom, good laws, honesty in government, the Constitution, and yet they don’t want to acknowledge it as such.

2. In my Bible Counseling class our assignment was to take our Bibles to work for the rest of our lives!! What a great assignment for every Christian.

3. Nietsche said a couple of really interesting -- and true -- things:

a) “When one gives up Christian belief, one thereby deprives oneself of the right to Christian morality.”

I wish we could get this across to the many Americans who want religion out of government and yet want to keep the same morals. No wonder those morals are sadly disappearing -- they have no foundation to stand on.

b) “Christianity presupposes that man does not know, cannot know what is good for him and what is evil: he believes in God, who alone knows. Christian morality is a command; its origin is transcendent; it is beyond all criticism, all right to criticism; it has truth only if God is truth -- it stands and falls with the belief in God.”

Christianity and its morality has been proven time and time again. The answers to life are clear if only people would open their minds and hearts.

4. The secular mainstream media is not free of religion as they’re always claiming. They’re promoting atheism, a religion, because they want to remove all traces of God from our daily lives. This is not neutrality. There’s no such thing. Evolution supporters try to pull the same trick. If they were really interested in the truth, dialogue between both sides would be allowed.

5. Homosexual ‘bishop’ Gene Robinson is having to reduce clergy and support staff although not his own six figure salary. He thought the pews would be filled with hundreds and even thousands of homosexuals after he was ordained, but that hasn’t happened and he’s now being forced to cut back. Even more offensive is the fact that his salary includes $40,000 for his housing which he shares with his homosexual lover.

A similar result occurred when homosexual marriage became an option in Massachusetts. The huge rush by homosexuals to get married that many expected to see never happened either. Which just goes to show that the so called ‘gay’ agenda isn’t about rights, but about dismantling the laws and boundaries of society.

6. Speaking of homosexuals, the latest government statistics show that 65 % of syphilis cases are homosexual males. Turns out homosexual men are the ‘primary drivers’ of increased syphilis rates overall. Even more telling, this sexually transmitted disease was almost eradicated less than 10 years ago. The number of cases has been going up since the year 2000.

7. Where can you find true biblical teaching on a nation-wide basis anymore? Christian high schools are caving. Christian higher education is caving (just for starters many Christian colleges and seminaries embrace something called Christian psychology which is an impossible combination since the two systems have a completely different basis from which they operate). Churches are caving which explains in part how Obama got elected. Even so-called Evangelicals are no longer biblical. They have pieces of the truth and with those pieces they’re able to attract the hungry masses, but then they don’t deliver the most important aspects of the gospel.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could come up with a way to take people who make their entry into Christianity through people like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren, and somehow guide them to the next step. How can we do that? How can we reach them? I think Bill Keller of Liveprayer has the right idea -- he’s trying to infiltrate the ‘secular’ media with the message of Christ rather than ‘preach to the choir.’ At this time we Christians have no real platform -- the mainstream media, Hollywood, the music industry, TV, the major denominations, have all been stripped of the God of the Bible.

Christian and conservative talk radio remains a powerful force, but that might soon be coming to an end with all this talk of the ‘Fairness Doctrine.’ The most unregulated area right now is the internet. In fact, Christian radio might have to default to the internet (as Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend is doing by having his radio show also shown live on the internet) in order to get out the message of God. But how many will take the extra effort when they get home to search out a program they used to listen to in their car? Probably the same sold-out Christians who are already holding the line on Biblical Christianity.

8. During a speech at Obama’s inauguration festivities, Al Gore assured a group of junior high kids that they know more than their parents, basically implying that kids shouldn’t listen to their elders. I remember hearing about Maria von Trapp (of Sound of Music Fame) recalling how during the days of Hitler’s rise to power, she and her classmates in school were also told that their parents were old and reactionary and that the future lay with their own younger generation.

9. Here’s a good argument against liberals who support everything homosexual. If they believe in evolution as much as they say they do, then how can they be for homosexual behavior? Evolution relies on heredity. Traits are passed on to future generations through DNA and the race is improved through survival of the fittest. Homosexuals must therefore have bad genes since their 'unions' don’t produce offspring and therefore can't pass on any traits at all. Of course, passing on their philosophy is another matter.

10. More insanity from the global warming nuts. Green writer James Lovelock says it’s too late to save the planet from global warming. The best we can do now is to cull the herd. I guess 4,000 abortions a day isn’t enough for them.

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