Monday, February 23, 2009

Voting for Obama

I am so thankful I didn’t vote for Obama.

Everything he’s done so far has been anti-God and anti-Bible.

He revoked the Mexico policy, so we’re not only funding abortions in the U.S., we’re funding them abroad.

He’s been on Arab TV and thinks it’s his job to make the American people understand the Muslim viewpoint. Someone ought to tell him it’s his job to stand up for America and to protect her citizens.

Hate crimes legislation, one of Obama’s prime objectives, has now moved to the front of the legislation line. Everyone’s freedom of speech and freedom of religion will suffer with pastors being the first to go. If you want to see how it’s going to be, check out what’s going on in Canada.

The stimulus bill is an ‘Obamanation’ of frivolous spending and untold pork projects that will NOT stimulate the economy. All the welfare reform that has worked so well and gotten untold numbers of people off welfare is gone with the stroke of a pen. The bill includes provisions leading to government health care and mandatory electronic health records for everyone with no opting out. We’re rapidly heading down the road to socialism.

My heart breaks for my country.

The irony is that many people ignored God’s clear directive and voted for Obama thinking he would fix the economy. If history holds true, this bill and the mortgage bailout he's planning are going to shrink our economy and we’ll soon be a second rate, has-been superpower.

Since God is in charge, I can only think that America is being judged in the form of an Obama/Democrat/far-left liberal presidency. Romans 1 says when people reject God, their foolish hearts are darkened, that they become fools. We can see that happening everywhere we turn. Common sense seems completely absent in every avenue of society. Why else would people believe that a horrendously debt ridden country like we’ve become can get out of debt by spending more money, and on ‘stuff’ that we don’t really need. It’s totally unbelievable. We deserve every bit of judgment we receive. Perhaps this is also the way God is going to take America off the world stage to set up the situation needed for the end times to play out.

As a country, we’re ALL responsible for Obama being in power and all the other things which have led us to the state we’re in today. But those Christians who actually voted for him will have to answer to God for not doing their homework and finding out exactly what he really stood for instead of falling for his empty rhetoric about hope and change.


I recently read about the Muslim man who murdered his wife. The uniquely Muslim twist to this is that he did it by beheading her, the favored killing method of Islam. She was trying to divorce him. How ironic that he’d started a Muslim TV station meant to bridge the gulf between everyday Muslims and Americans. The station wasn’t doing as well as expected, so I suppose his pride was at stake. I fear we’ll be seeing more of these kinds of 'honor' killings in the future. Perhaps it will wake America up to what this ‘religion of peace’ is really all about.


The Obama administration has given $700,000 to “The Future of Babylon Project” which aims to rebuild the city of Babylon as a ‘cultural tourist’ mecca. Saddam Hussein had visions of himself as a modern Nebuchadnezzar when he started rebuilding the city back in the days when he still held power. Now that the insurgency is dying down, the project is moving forward once again. Many cynics laughed at the Bible’s insistence that Babylon was slated to become the wealthiest and most powerful city on the face of the earth. As always, God will have the last laugh as Babylon’s rebirth gains momentum right before our eyes.


How sweet is this.... The pope called Nancy Pelosi on the carpet, giving her a stiff scolding on her recent visit there. How she thinks she can be a Catholic and push for every kind of abortion known to man is beyond me. After bum rushing the so-called Stimulus package (or the Great Generational Theft Act as many are calling it) through Congress so she could take this trip to Rome, she ended up being soundly rebuked. I especially appreciated the irony that our Speaker of the House, who never refuses any opportunity for an interview, gave out no interviews after she met with Pope Benedict XVI nor were there any pictures of her and the pope together. Until she toes the Catholic line on abortion, he obviously doesn't want to be seen in the same photo with her.


I knew the movie MILK about the homosexual mayor of San Francisco would somehow be rewarded at the Academy Awards, if only to show the world that Hollywood is in favor of ‘gay’ marriage and thinks the rest of us are a bunch of homophobic bigots. And so it happened last night when Sean Penn won the Oscar for Best Actor. Of course, during his acceptance speech, he had to spout some nonsense about how the grandchildren of those who voted in favor of marriage being between one man and one woman would have nothing but shame for them somewhere down the line. Ho hum. I had been fearful that MILK would win Best Picture, but happily that didn’t happen thanks to that great little movie that could, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE.

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