Monday, March 23, 2009

International Prophecy Conference 2009

I recently attended the 2009 International Prophecy Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida.

All I can say is a great, big WOW.

The speakers were a who’s who of biblical prophecy and included the host pastor, Joe Van Koevering along with Tim LaHaye, Grant Jeffrey, Mark Hitchcock, Perry Stone, Donald Perkins, and John McTernan.

Here are some of the highlights of what we all learned.

The Bible tells us that God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse her. John McTernan spoke about how every time America has done something to violate this principle, we’ve have some sort of catastrophe. For example, George Herbert Bush was in the process of giving a speech in Madrid insisting that Israel must divide the land when a freakish storm that eventually came to be known as the Perfect Storm (of George Clooney movie fame) began swirling in the north Atlantic where storms never have their origin and headed southwest, which storms never do. This killer storm skirted the coast of Maine where Bush has a summer home and 30 foot waves just happened to wash over that residence, blowing out the windows and destroying the place. Later in 1992, this so called Peace Process which Bush senior initiated and whose core principle calls for the dividing of the land of Israel, moved from Madrid to the United States at the same time that Hurricane Andrew hit. Soon after all this, it became clear to everyone that Bush senior was done politically and would not win re-election.

Another really amazing connection between what happens when we mess with Israel concerns the Gaza strip. At the urging of the U.S., Israel turned over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians. Jews were warned to leave and then forcibly evicted from their homes. Within the week, Hurricane Katrina struck the city of New Orleans and people here in the United States were warned to leave and then forcibly evicted from their homes. George W. Bush never recovered from the political fallout of this disaster and he left office with some of the worst ratings in history. God had judged him as he had judged his father for trying to divide the land of Israel.

More interesting tidbits: Our economy started to fall on July 20th, 2007 after another speech was given that Israel must be divided. The stock market crashed in a big way (in the 600-700 point range) on the three Jewish holidays of Rosh Shoshana, Yom Kippur, and the Feast of Trumpets.

Check out McTernan’s book on the subject AS AMERICA HAS DONE TO ISRAEL for more mind-boggling connections that are too numerous to be coincidental.

Mark Hitchcock spoke about four possible scenarios for America since it is not mentioned in end times prophecy: 1) a nuclear or EMP attack, 2) a financial apocalypse, 3) an energy crisis, or 4) a fall from within. He also felt that during the Rapture, America will lose more Christians percentage-wise than any other country and that this would reduce us to a third world country overnight. His book, THE LATE GREAT UNITED STATES has more on all of this.

Perry Stone pointed out that God is a God of patterns and that the things that occurred in Genesis provide a template of what will happen again. He then proceeded to show how America follows the pattern both of ancient Israel (13 tribes vs 13 colonies, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea to become a nation, we crossed the Atlantic ocean, etc.) and the Roman empire (where it seems that we are similarly being destroyed from within). He suggested that our economic situation is very much like the story of Joseph in Egypt and that Obama is like ‘the pharaoh who knew not Joseph’.

America seems to have reached her peak. The Antichrist and the one world government can’t bring the mark of the beast to bear while the U.S. dollar still exists nor can the world join together in a global government in the first place unless America is no longer strong and free. Israel has to stand alone, which means no more support from the U.S. which also means no more blessings on America. America is also ripe for judgment for the sin of killing millions of babies and its growing support of the abomination of state-sanctioned gay marriage.

Grant Jeffrey gave a riveting talk about the Shadow Government and the plan by global elites to take over the entire earth. Even before the election was decided, both Obama and Hilary Clinton attended a meeting of the Bildiburgers, a select, elite group somewhat like the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Likely it didn’t matter who came out on top because whoever ended up as president would choose the other as secretary of state.

Even scarier is the ever-growing technology which can now keep tabs on all of us. Radio Frequency chips (RFIDs) are in everything, including the clothes you wear. They don’t disable them when you buy the clothes (with your also-able-to-be-tracked credit card) and these chips can be read up to 100 feet away with a reader. Right now it’s used for inventory control, but the possibilities for more evil purposes are endless. American passports now have this chip and they’re talking about putting them in drivers licenses. And did you know that every email any of us has ever sent since the beginning of email is still out there, even if you immediately erase it. The National Security Agency runs a huge computer that keeps all the data. Mr. Jeffrey’s advice -- when sending emails, act as if a policeman is watching over your shoulder.

A crew from God TV filmed all the sessions and they’re going to be on sometime in the future. Check out their website at GodTV for the times and also check out the website of conference host Dr. Van Koevering at God's News Behind the News.

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