Monday, March 9, 2009

Islam -- Cruel and Usual Punishment

It still amazes me that so many people think Islam is a religion of peace and that those who follow it come to the United States and happily blend right in to our American way of life. Muslims do not and cannot integrate with our culture because they’re living under another cultural imperative entirely.

Christians have no cultural mandate, but are able to work, eat, and dress according to the places where they live. In contrast, Islam deifies 7th century Arabian culture. It’s Arab imperialism disguised as a religion. Islam is a one party totalitarian system that puts you to death if you try to leave it.

We continue to call Islam a religion, but it’s actually a political system whereas Christianity and other religions are not. Islam follows the political structure of 7th century Arabia where the chief had absolute power over the members of his tribe. Every Muslim nation today has a dictator or other single leader who holds absolute power over the people. Just like in the Arabian desert all those centuries ago, freedom of speech and religion are nowhere in sight.

As most people know, Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day facing toward Mecca. Again, this is cultural imperialism. Christians don’t pray toward Rome or the Holy Land nor do Jews pray toward Jerusalem. Is Allah in Mecca? I don’t think so.

As for dietary laws, only those foods which were acceptable in 7th century Arabia are allowed today, thus the prohibition on pork among other foods.

Women really lose out under Islam where they are totally subjected to horrible treatment. Women are forced to wear what illiterate, nomadic tribeswomen wore in the desert during the 7th century when Islam was founded. Women are pretty much a segregated subculture under the total dominance of men. They’re separated in schools and are even segregated in fast food restaurants -- no family dinners at McDonald’s allowed under Islam. Worse, public decency police called muttawa search the malls for women whose loose scarves might reveal a curl of hair. Once found, they are allowed to beat these poor women with sticks. Islam punishes rape victims rather than the rapists -- a woman needs four male witnesses to attest to a rape otherwise she is considered the guilty party and can even be stoned to death because of it. Thanks to the Islamic concept of ‘honor’ killing, a woman can be legally murdered by her male relatives for such 'violations' of the family honor as dating an unacceptable man or wanting a divorce or losing her virginity outside marriage. The perpetrators suffer little or no consequences for their acts. Islam allows men to have an endless number of ‘pleasure’ wives, a woman whom a man can legally 'marry' for a single night of sex, then walk away from in the morning, no strings attached.

Punishment is cruel, unusual, and downright barbaric under Sharia law in Islam. The Koran specifically commands that those who disobey Allah be tortured, so they cut off hands, ears, and tongues. They gouge out eyes. They behead people and carry out public floggings. Did you know there are three official state beheaders in Saudi Arabla? These guys are like rock stars over there. Every Friday, they have public beheadings of murderers, sorcerers, adulterers, robbers, and others in Riyadh’s ‘Chop Chop’ square.

The United States must NEVER allow Sharia law to gain a foothold, not even in enclaves of predominantly Muslim populations. If you want to know more, check out Noni Darwish’s riveting new book, CRUEL AND USUAL PUNISHMENT. Ms Darwish lived the first thirty years of her life under Sharia law and she tells how that was and how Sharia might soon be coming to a neighborhood near you if all of us don’t stand up for our constitutional freedoms and for our country.

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