Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ahmadinejad and the End Times

Every time I turn around, there are more indications that we’re living in the end times.

The latest example is Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York City to speak at the U.N.

I saw red when I heard how he stood there and trashed America and called Israel a cesspool and then got applause from the U.N. members for doing so. (Israel and the U.S. were not present at the time).

The Iranian leader was later interviewed on Larry King. Good old Larry asked him about his children and their ages among other things. Whatever happened to American patriotism? Can you imagine Washington or Jefferson inviting an evil man like this to the White House, never mind giving him this kind of credibility on the world stage? I can just see him returning home in triumph, showing the mullahs clips of him yukking it up on American T.V. so they can see for themselves how soft and lacking in integrity we are.

It’s enough to make your blood boil, but here’s where the end times angle comes in -- several U.S. church groups have invited him to an interfaith rally in his honor. The topic? “Has not one God created us?”

Reading the invitation, seeing our so-called Christian leaders kowtowing to this Hitler wannabe by engaging him in social interaction as if he hadn’t just spewed his usual anti-Semitic, anti-West hatred made me sick. The groups behind the event include the American Friends Service Committee, Mennonite Central Committee, Quaker UN Office, Religions for Peace, and Worldwide Council of Churches UN Liaison.

These people should be ashamed of themselves. Have they learned nothing from history? That’s how we ended up fighting World War II -- because nobody would stand up to Hitler until it became too late for anything but war. The churches in Germany hold particular responsibility for not standing their ground.

Iran has recently voted to make the death penalty mandatory for the ‘crime’ of apostasy (leaving the Muslim faith). There is no freedom of religion in Iran. In fact, there are former Muslims, now Christians, waiting on ‘death row’.

And these Christian groups want to play nice with him??

I was listening to a call-in radio show on the topic. A priest phoned in to suggest that Jesus would have met with Ahmadinejad and worshipped with him.

I don’t think so! Jesus would have called him a hypocrite who was going to hell if he didn't repent. He surely would have confronted him about the jailed Christians. Jesus did not mess around as he proved when he knocked over tables and drove the money changers out of the temple.

The topic they plan to discuss is beyond ludicrous. Yes, one God created us, but his name isn’t Allah who incites Muslims to hatred, killing, and discrimination against women in the Quran. (If you want proof that God and Allah are not the same, just ask a Muslim to substitute the word God for Allah when they’re yelling ‘Allah Akbar’). All I can say is thank heavens 90% of Muslims have never read the Quran (according to a survey from Bielefeld University in Germany). Sad to say a majority of Christians haven’t read the Bible either which helps explain but doesn’t excuse this travesty.

Obviously these totally misguided groups did not get Jesus’ urgent memo about deception... not that Ahmadinejad is doing much to hide his true colors. I can’t join the protest in NYC, but at least I was able to go to the ACLJ website (American Center for Law and Justice) and sign their petition.

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