Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Prophetic War of Psalm 83

I’ve been reading a new book just recently released called ISRALESTINE: The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East by Bill Salus.

While it may be one of the worst written books I’ve ever encountered, with every violation of grammar and sentence structure and misuse of vocabulary you can possibly imagine, the content is definitely enticing.

The author talks about Psalm 83 and how it might apply in prophecy.

Many of us know about the Magog Invasion of Ezekiel 38 and 39 where Russia aligns with Iran, Turkey, Libya and others to invade Israel. God himself intervenes to blast the invaders, pretty much wiping them out. The left over weapons provide energy for Israel for seven years which seems to imply the use of nuclear weapons, an idea further implied by describing how professionals are employed to clear a possibly radioactive battlefield.

Various scholars have differing opinions on the timetable for the Magog Invasion with some saying it’s part of the Armageddon battle scenario at the end of the Tribulation while others feel it occurs before that seven year period even begins.

While Bill Salus sits squarely in the Magog first camp, he believes that before Magog happens, there’s going to be a regional war involving Israel’s closest Arab neighbors. Psalm 83 lists them using the Biblical era names, but we know them better as Palestinians, Syrians, Saudis, Egyptians, and Jordanians, along with Hezbollah, Hamas, and al-Qaida. Israel will end up with more territory and resources and this new abundance will precipitate the Magog Invasion when Russia and company swoop down to take that spoil. According to Salus, the two events are tied together and will occur sequentially and fairly quickly, one in the shadow of the other.

No one can deny the constant turmoil in the Middle East. The peace talks are continually thwarted or stalled and the unchanging rhetoric from Israel’s enemies grows stronger all the time. Surprise attacks on Israel have happened before; a concerted effort on the part of her bitterly discontented, adamantly anti-Jewish Arab neighbors is certainly not out of the question in spite of potential nuclear deterrents. Using Scripture as his basis, the author lays out a compelling argument for a Psalm 83 war where Israel becomes large enough to be called 'Isralestine' as a result of prevailing yet again in the wake of another such attack.

If you’re an end times addict like I am, this book will definitely arouse your interest. Read it along with Walid Shoebat’s GOD'S WAR ON TERROR: Islam, Prophecy, and the Bible for an eye-opening new perspective on End Times prophecy, especially as it relates to Islam, and the way the puzzle pieces might fit together.

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