Thursday, September 4, 2008

Democrats and Christians

A friend said an interesting thing a while back. She wondered how any Bible believing Christian could be a Democrat.

I think she makes a good point.

The big stumbling block to being a Democrat is their pro-abortion stance. This should raise the hackles of anyone who knows their Bible and even for those who believe in the Constitution which promotes the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life is at the core of every other issue. It’s certainly the number one deal-breaker for me.

The Democrats support homosexual marriage. The Bible is clear on this -- homosexuality is a sin, no worse than any other sin, but a sin nonetheless. The family unit which includes marriage between one man and one woman is the cornerstone of society and has been since the dawn of civilization. We certainly should not be celebrating what God calls a sinful way of life by enacting policies and laws to protect and even foster it.

Democrats believe in government supported programs for almost everything you can name from preschool to college to health care. This is socialism and very much like what they have in Canada and Europe. Governments are always more inefficient than the private sector no matter what they’re handling and this has proven to be true in Europe where there are waiting lists for various medical procedures and where you can’t even buy the drugs you need with your own money if they’re not on the approved list without being heavily fined or thrown in jail. Personally I do not want the government in charge of my health care.

The federal government should be there for our protection, to handle things like terrorists and other security issues. When the government controls, for example, our schools, we get what we’re seeing today -- the teaching of multiculturalism (which is another way of saying anti-Western), the pushing of the homosexual lifestyle as normal and good, a whitewashed version of Islam being taught, no criticism of Darwinism allowed no matter how valid and an overall outcome based education which believes every kid should get a trophy whether they earned it or not. Just recently I heard of one school that actually gives kids who flunk a class an NY which means Not Yet. You've got to be kidding!

The only method of education the Bible mentions is home schooling which means the Bible approves wholeheartedly the idea that parents should have control over what their children learn, a concept that is being lost more and more these days. Check out FROM CRAYONS TO CONDOMS: The Ugly Truth About America's Public Schools by Steve Baldwin and Karen Holgate if you want to see how parents are being shut out of their children's education and even bullied in the name of the politically correct liberal agenda. I was appalled.

The Dems and Obama in particular want to tax the rich to pay for the poor and for all the other programs they have in mind. The Bible is all in favor of helping the poor, but not by coercion. This kind of taxation is robbery pure and simple, and God says thou shalt not steal. The Bible comes down firmly on the side of the sanctity of private property. The Bible also says that anyone who will not work should not eat. There’s been absolutely no evidence to show that giving away money and goods helps the poor in a lasting way. The past 40 years of handouts has shown this. Welfare, for example, often begets generations of families on welfare. Americans are statistically the most generous people on earth, but the bottom line is that the more you tax people, the less they’re able to give to charity. Another aspect of this situation which is rarely talked about is the fact that people need to be held responsible for their own bad choices -- it’s been shown statistically that your chances of being poor go down dramatically if you don’t have out-of-wedlock babies, wait until you’re over 21 to get married, and finish high school.

I used to be a Democrat before I became a Christian. I couldn’t see how any thinking person would choose any other path. God changed my mind before I even knew what hit me. The Bible contains principles which can be applied to all the above topics and more as I quickly discovered with further help from a book called HOW WOULD JESUS VOTE: A Christian Perspective On The Issues by the late D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe. Check it out before the election this November. And by the way, the book is a lot more non-partisan than I am and is careful to simply lay out the issues.

However, I believe the facts speak for themselves.

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