Monday, January 19, 2009

Defeating the Totalitarian Lie

With the recent advent of VALKYRIE and DEFIANCE into movie theaters, there seems to be a minor upsurge of World War II flicks. And not solely for entertainment, since both of these are based on true stories. For a different perspective on Hitler and the Nazis, check out DEFEATING THE TOTALITARIAN LIE: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America by Hilmar Von Campe.

The author tells his story of growing up in Hitler’s Germany, joining the Hitler Youth, and eventually enlisting in the army to fight. Even more interesting, at least to me, he explains how Hitler built his totalitarian regime. The author considered himself a ‘Christian’ like most of the rest of Germany, and yet like everyone else, he did nothing to stop Hitler. Because he was morally compromised, he didn’t feel responsible for the Holocaust. He considered himself guilt-free because he personally hadn’t killed any Jews. The rest of the country pretty much felt the same way.

It wasn’t until he wrote down a list of all his sins and realized he’d been a Christian fraud rather than a true, Bible believing Christian that he was able to see the truth. He’s written this book because he sees the same kind of thing happening in America.

One of the main points the author makes and one that many people don’t realize is that Nazis are not right wing Fascists. The name of the party was National Socialism. Nazis are radical, left-wing socialists. They hold a philosophy similar to that of the sadly misnamed ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) in this country which was founded by a communist and which is trying its hardest to disconnect Americans from their history, their heritage, and their traditions. The ACLU works diligently to undermine anything to do with God and His moral absolutes. The Nazis also denied God and went to great lengths to remove Him from all facets of society. The ACLU does the same while promoting itself as upholding democracy and freedom.

The Nazis had godless judges who made the law subject to Nazi ideology. Here in America we have godless judges who are also pushing God aside and violating our Constitution by removing prayer from our schools, making abortion legal, and working to make homosexual marriage a civil right among other perverse concepts.

Children were a big target of the Nazis as they are in this country. Control how young people are taught and you can control the world. That’s why the Nazis insisted all children attend public school. In this country as well, the schools have taken control of our kids’ education and now show little desire to consult with parents. Even more alarming, various courts have upheld the rights of the schools over those of the parents. If you think the Nazis used biased textbooks, you should check out the texts they’re using in a public school near you, particularly in science and history.

The Terri Schiavo case is another example of America following a Nazi-like path. A judge condemned Terri Schiavo to die a slow and torturous death by dehydration and starvation. Hitler gave orders right after the beginning of the war that allowed the Nazis to murder hundreds of thousands of people they considered unfit to live because they were of no use to society. This euthanasia was just the beginning of the slippery slope leading to the Holocaust. Even now Oregon and other states have instituted policies of euthanasia and assisted suicide.

The author covers lots of other similarities between America and the Nazis. He talks about the corruption of the U.N., the push for a North American Union, how Israel fits into the picture, and the rise of liars and lying throughout our country and our government among other interesting topics. Free societies can only exist when they’re based on truth which is why America has prospered for so long. That truth is being trampled on all the time. It was the mindset of Germany that allowed Hitler into power. DEFEATING THE TOTALITARIAN LIE gives fair warning so something similar won’t happen here.

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