Thursday, January 22, 2009

End Times Miscellanea

Talk about watching the Bible and prophecy come alive right before our very eyes! The birth pangs keep getting closer and closer together as things continue to fall into place for the return of Jesus Christ.

1.) It’s been a puzzle to many Americans that their country, the land of the brave and the home of the free, a country founded on godly Christian principles and blessed above any other nation on earth, would not be present in the end times scenario. Fifty years ago this seemed well nigh impossible. Today, it’s all too easy to see how quickly this is going to happen.

America is well on its way to being a super-power no longer and out of the picture by the time Antichrist comes along. America is speeding down the road to perdition and straight into the arms of God’s totally justified wrath. Our new president is certainly no friend of God’s and has an agenda in direct opposition to almost every principle the Bible stands for from abortion to gay rights to the totally non-Biblical way he wants to continue to handle our economic meltdown.

We have gone from the most pro-life to the most pro-abortion president in our nation's history. We’ll see how quickly he signs the Freedom of Choice Act to allow every kind of abortion conceivable under the sun.

The inauguration has already given us further hints at what’s to come, just in case you weren’t paying attention during the campaign. Obama may have been sworn in using Lincoln’s Bible, but he also chose an openly gay Episcopal clergyman (if you can call him that) to give one of the prayers at the presidential inauguration, a prayer this so-called Christian addressed to the ‘God of our many understandings’ whoever that is. The Obama administration had their Hate Crimes agenda on their website within hours of him taking office, so we know what we’re in for on that front.

2.) The bird flu has hit Asia again with people dying in China and Thailand. Nepal and India have also been hit as they were forced to destroy thousands of birds to avoid the spread of the deadly disease. This is likely a precursor setting up some of the final plagues which are outlined in Revelation.

3.) Israel has done a number on Hamas. The terrorist group might even be weakened enough to allow Israel to live more securely in the land, one of the preconditions for Ezekiel 38 and 39 to occur.

4.) Speaking of Ezekiel 38-39, Israel has discovered huge quantities of natural gas reserves off the coast of Haifa. This could eventually make the country energy independent and might perhaps be part of the tempting loot that Russia and her allies want to plunder.

5.) Russia continues to build alliances with her Ezekiel 38 and 39 partners in a myriad of ways including working to establish navy bases in Libya and Syria. Russia is also helping Iran with her nuclear power plant.

6.) Turkey, another ally of Russia from Ezekiel 38-39, has recently called for Israel to be barred from the United Nations, thus aligning this formerly more secular and moderate country into line with the rest of the Muslim world.

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