Monday, January 26, 2009

What In The (Christian) World Is Going On?

A new Barna Group poll shows depressing results for any Bible believing Christian.

Half of Americans who call themselves Christians don’t believe Satan exists.

Fully one third are confident that Jesus sinned while on earth.

Another 40 percent say they don’t have a responsibility to share their Christian faith with others.

Twenty-five percent dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches.

These results have huge implications. Americans are growing increasingly comfortable picking and choosing what they want to believe and leaving the parts they don’t like behind. They have no problem discarding huge portions of the Bible and what it teaches. Hey, if Oprah does it, it must be okay.

Not only are we living in a post-modern world, it seems to me we’re living in a post-Christian world as well.

When you think about it, people are being pretty darned arrogant to think they can pick and choose specific elements from God’s word and forget the parts they’ve decided are too hard or that they don’t want to have to apply to their lives. God is God. Why shouldn’t He be able to demand how He wants to be worshipped? Who are we to disagree? Not only that, God is all-knowing. That means He’s right on top of what works in our lives and what doesn’t. We don’t have to look far to see the utter mess we’re making by taking matters into our own hands and doing what seems right to us. Just walk down any city street and you’ll find that pornography, drugs, drinking, swearing, rudeness, and selfishness abound. And that’s just for starters.

How convenient that so many American Christians don’t believe in Satan -- convenient for Satan, that is. That kind of mindset gives him free rein to carry out the business of keeping as many souls from heaven as he possibly can before his time is up. Multiple express lanes on the already broad highway to hell are now wide open for business. Satan and his demons must be laughing all the way.

In too many places, Christianity has become a feel-good religion that leaves all the hard parts like sin and hellfire out of the equation. In this new ‘Christianity, we don’t even have to worry about sharing the gospel. Whew, there’s another uncomfortable task off our plates.

It’s only going to get worse. Our new president has set out a decidedly anti-Christian agenda. Many of our pastors, who have been during a lukewarm job already, may soon be muzzled in their preaching by new hate crimes legislation, especially when it comes to homosexuality. Many have already muzzled themselves on this topic. It’ll be interesting to see which ones stand firm on their Biblical principles.

We can’t count on our leaders to do what’s right and moral. The corruption and wrong-headedness of our elected officials has gone off the charts. Our politicians don’t even follow the straightforward precepts of our Constitution, never mind the Bible. Revival only comes from the grassroots up and always has. It’s time for those of us who are serious about Christ to step up to the plate.

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