Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good and Evil

The world continues to be turned upside down. It’s like some kind of Alice in Wonderland scenario where, just as the Bible promised, good is now evil and evil is declared good. The evidence just keeps pouring in at a faster and faster clip. If you didn’t think persecution for Christians was coming, now you can count on it.

Hate Crimes laws are just inches away from being passed. This is yet another step in the eventual total silencing of Christians as chronicled by Janet Folger in THE CRIMINALIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY and Donald Wildmon in his new book SPEECHLESS: SILENCING THE CHRISTIANS. We got a taste of it when Miss California, Carrie Prejean, lost the Miss USA crown because she dared to say she believed in traditional marriage. The backlash against her from the homosexual camp was tremendous, although support for her throughout middle America was also great. Can you imagine such a thing happening even ten years ago?

Now Obama is dithering on going after the Bush Administration for the whole torture controversy. Liberals and others of their ilk have a crazy, obsessive hatred of everything George W. Bush stands for (aka Bush Derangement Syndrome) and have been waiting, salivating, for a chance to get back at him and those associated with him.

Obama has chosen someone for the FCC who’s totally in favor of the so-called Fairness Doctrine and who will probably help him use the back door of the FCC to help ban the Rush Limbaughs and other non-Obama supporting voices in this country.

The Department of Homeland Security recently came out with a report stating that people who are against abortion or a one world government, people who support a literal interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, even returning war vets, are now considered possible right wing extremists and terrorists. Talk about hitting directly at the Christian heartland of America.

Google has shut down links that lead to facts about Hitler and Nazi Germany because so much of it so closely resembles what Obama has been doing with our banks and the economy. Now they don’t even want you to read about evil when it was actually considered evil.

Thanks to Obama, the United States is now funding abortions overseas. And he gave embryonic stem cell research the green light as well, even though it has yielded no breakthroughs as has adult stem cell research that doesn’t kill a potential human life in the process.

Liberals show us more and more every day that they value sexual freedom above anything and everything else in this world. Talk about a direct correlation with the ancient pagan behavior that’s so condemned in the Bible. This is why they support abortion at all stages of a pregnancy thus allowing men and women to have sex anytime they want, and then if the woman gets pregnant, they can abort the child. This is why they want to force health care professionals to perform abortions no matter what their conscience might tell them. This is also why (among other reasons) they support gay rights and gay marriage at the expense of religious freedom or freedom of speech. Sexual freedom trumps all. Forget about teaching abstinence or anything even close. Soon seventeen-year-olds will be able to purchase the morning after pill without parental knowledge.

And the list goes on.

Every so often there’s a glimmer of sanity and hope in the midst of the daily onslaught of bad news...

Miss California standing up for her beliefs even knowing it might be the kiss of death to her chances of winning was heartening, even if it was in the middle of a beauty contest where the women are judged on their looks and their ability to walk across the stage in high heels wearing a bathing suit.

The Tea Parties, although not Christian per se, showed that many, many Americans have not abandoned and do not want to abandon the Biblical principles on which this nation was founded. The shocking and dismissive way the so-called mainstream media treated these demonstrators highlights the impact they obviously had.

More good news comes from the fact that prophecy and other such end times conferences are thriving, with larger attendance than ever before. I find this a sure sign that ordinary, non-political people still seek spiritual enlightenment. Now is our chance to give them the Word of Truth rather than letting various new age and other philosophies fill the God-sized hole in their hearts. As Mark Cahill so aptly pointed out in a Code Blue Rally presentation called LUKE WARM NO MORE, when we get to heaven, we don’t want to be told we were out-evangelized by John Travolta who constantly pushes Scientology. How humiliating would that be!

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