Monday, April 6, 2009

Obama, Globalism, and the Spirit of AntiChrist

Obama pretty much sold out America at the G-20 Summit this past week by turning over our economic sovereignty to the Europeans. Watching all those leaders high-fiving each other like a bunch of giddy school kids was not a pretty sight. Obama has certainly shown no respect for our Constitution or for our freedoms, but has declared over and over again his intentions to take us further and further down the same socialistic path Europe has already trodden.

According to Dick Morris, Obama is deliberately sabotaging the banks, so that he can eventually nationalize them and place them under international jurisdiction. Our forefathers must be getting dizzy with all the turning over in their graves they’re been doing lately.

The Bible tells us that there will be a proliferation of many little antichrists in the world before the final AntiChrist of Revelation shows up on the scene. An antichrist is someone who rejects the God of the Bible and denies that Jesus is our sovereign Lord and the only way to salvation. An antichrist propagates false, anti-biblical teaching by preaching another gospel than the one revealed in the Bible. Sad to say, I believe Obama fits this description to a T. I also believe Obama is laying the foundation for the AntiChrist.

I have many reasons for this belief. For one thing, Obama says he's a Christian who draws on his deep faith. And yet he believes there are many paths to heaven and that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. He has also stated that he believes the passages in Romans about homosexuality are from an ‘obscure’, little read book of the Bible.

Obama says he was raised by his Mom who was a Christian. However, her friends and other documentation show she was an atheist. He claims he studied his catechism while in Indonesia; the records show he was enrolled in Muslim school and was registered in Koranic studies. He can recite the opening prayer in Arabic with a good accent. In his book, Obama also rhapsodized about the Islamic call to evening prayer saying it’s one of the prettiest sounds in all the world. And then there was the ‘slip-up’ during that interview when he referred to ‘my Muslim faith’ and didn’t even realize it. The interviewer had to correct him!

I can’t imagine any Christian saying such a thing, not by accident, not ever.

Obama denies the gospel with his dedicated promotion of abortion and the homosexual agenda. While he was a state senator in Illinois, he voted four times in favor of infanticide. And he struck down Bush’s ban so that now we the taxpayers are funding abortions worldwide.

Last, but certainly not least, he spent twenty years planted in the pew of one of the most radical anti-white, anti-semitic, anti-American churches in America under the leadership of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

Is it any surprise he’s pushing globalism which by its very nature is demonic? Satan has been trying to implement this for thousands of years, starting with the tower of Babel. Looks like the devil has all the help he needs in President Barack Hussein Obama.


Is your church going Purpose Driven and how can you tell?

I had no idea that churches were being targeted for Purpose Driven takeovers and that it often happens as a kind of stealth campaign where the rest of the church membership has no idea what’s going on until it’s too late.

Here’s the way it goes down.

Church Transitions, an associate of Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church trains a small clique of church staff, sometimes but not always including the pastor, and they do this without telling the rest of the church membership. Eventually, as the process moves along and people start to learn what’s going on, those who voice genuine concerns are identified and the potential effectiveness of their opposition assessed. Those who are undecided are befriended. Those who persist in resisting are marginalized and eventually vilified until new rules can be established that will silence all resistance.

What it boils down to is that the members must then either embrace the changes or leave the church they may have helped to build. As Rick Warren says, “When you reveal the vision to the church, the old pillars are going to leave. But let them leave... they only hold things up.”

Warren once said that the term ‘fundamentalist’ comes from a 1920's document on the Five Fundamentals of the Faith. He considers this document a narrow and legalistic view of Christianity. Here’s the list of what he objects to:

1) the inerrancy and full authority of the Bible
2) the virgin birth and full deity of Jesus Christ
3) the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
4) Christ’s atoning, vicarious death for the sins of the world
5) the literal second coming of Jesus Christ.

Yikes -- I thought these were the basic, bottom line tenets of the Christian faith!

To start a Purpose Driven church is one thing. To have your church stolen out from under you is something else again.

I previously said some nice things about Warren’s new magazine. Looks like I was sadly mistaken, even when it comes to trusting him with the very basics of Christianity.

For more information on this, check out THE DARK SIDE OF THE PURPOSE DRIVEN CHURCH by N.W. Hutchings.

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