Monday, April 13, 2009

Things You Probably Never Knew About American History

What ever happened to the teaching of the real facts about American history in our schools? We know that most teachers are no longer even willing to admit that this country was founded as a Christian nation even though the population at that time was 99.2% Christian and .8% Jewish. And if you’ve been watching Fox and Friends over the past few months, you’ve been learning how the history textbooks in our schools and colleges have a decided liberal bias and often twist the facts in favor of the liberal agenda.

Well, here’s a story I’ll bet you didn’t know and were never taught in your history class about the great revival in the American colonies in 1746.

We may think the spiritual decay in this country is a current trend and that our ancestors were moral and upright, but back in 1746, there were hordes of people going to bars and brothels. It was a growing national trend that the churches couldn’t seem to stop.

And then everyone learned that France had sent out a fleet of 70 ships whose intention was to wipe out every church in America and kill the pastors.

The English navy had been blown away in a storm, so there was no help coming from that direction. People everywhere did what we should all do in such circumstances -- they figuratively put on sackcloth and ashes by praying and fasting. Even while they were doing this, the men sandbagged and prepared as best they could to defend their homes.

Obviously God heard their fervent prayers, In July 1746, a huge wind blew the French ships into the West Indies where many of the sailors got syphilis. Over 1300 died.

These ships were supposed to rendezvous with 46 other ships at Halifax, but when they tried, they missed each other because of the fog that came up. The admiral committed suicide.

Finally the 70 ships came in under the 3rd-in-command, having also lost their number two man. Another plague swept through the ranks and killed more men.

The colonials called for another day of fasting and prayer on October 16th. The French took off from Halifax and again God answered their prayers -- a hurricane came and wiped them out!

As you can imagine, this story was proudly recounted for over 50 years after the events in question. Today we no longer have even a hint of such a thing happening. There have been other revivals in the United States, too, with just as dramatic results. We never hear about those either. I have no idea how to go about it, but it’s high time we reclaimed our heritage.


Speaking of history, evangelist Perry Stone has some fascinating insights into patterns in history and in the Bible, and the way they reoccur in other times and places. The Jews use pattern as the template for prophecy whereas we see it as prophecy/fulfillment. It’s interesting and even jaw-dropping to study this kind of 'circular time' where similar events seem to happen again and again.

One example he gives to show how historical patterns often repeat themselves is that of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy and the astounding parallels between the two men. Lincoln started his political career in 1846 and Kennedy started his in 1946. They both had VP’s named Johnson. Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. Both of their secretaries warned them not to go to the places where they were eventually shot. Lincoln was shot in Ford’s Theater and his killer hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a Ford-Lincoln and his killer hid in a theater. Both were shot in the presence of their wives. These are just some of the patterns; there are many more.

How about these election facts -- the son of a former president who was a Harvard grad beat out a senator from Tennessee who actually won the popular vote with the deciding votes coming from the state of Florida. Do you think I’m talking about the Bush/Gore election of 2000? I could be, but I’m not. This is actually what happened in the election of 1826 when John Quincy Adams, the son of a former president and a Harvard grad beat out Andrew Jackson, the senator from Tennessee who won the popular vote.

Evangelist Stone also points out that Bill and Hillary Clinton brought the spirit of Ahab and Jezebel of Old Testament infamy to the White House. Just like Ahab and Jezebel and their illegal land deal with Naboth, Hillary and Bill were involved in the Whitewater scandal involving land. After Ahab was killed, Jezebel continued on in political power, just the way Hillary has done as a New York senator and the current the Secretary of State under Obama, even though Bill is off the political stage.

Even more interesting are the developing parallels Stone highlights concerning Barack Obama. Did you realize that both presidential candidates and their running mates have Biblical names? JOHN McCain, SARAH Palin, and JOSEPH Biden are easy. But BARACK is also a Biblical name as seen in the book of Judges and the story of Deborah.

The number 400 is important biblically. The Jews spent 400 years in Egypt and then there was a major change in the cycle as God led them away to the Promised Land. If we use that same 400 years and start at the founding of this country in 1607, we arrive at 2007. Strangely enough, this is when major shifts started happening in George Bush’s administration, including an increase in joblessness and the start of our financial woes. And now we have a whole new era of ‘hope and change’ with the country heading in a completely new and uncharted direction, although not a positive one. Our continuing slide into moral decay has gotten a huge boost from Obama’s support of gay marriage and abortion, and the march toward globalism predicted in the Bible for the end times seems definitely underway.

Even Israel’s likely upcoming war with Iran over its nukes can be seen as the culmination of a pattern that has been playing out in the 20th and now 21st centuries.

Check out Perry Stone’s recent CD on PATTERNS OF RECENT AMERICAN PRESIDENTS: BARACK AND ISRAEL’S NEXT WAR for more on this topic along with other fascinating materials at his website at

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