Friday, August 22, 2008

How To Be Politically Incorrect

Being called politically incorrect doesn’t bother me at all. I never did like to run with the pack. Besides, political correctness has gone totally loopy recently -- as witnessed by the man who objected to having his department called a ‘black hole’ where projects got lost because he said it was racist.

Holy Toledo, is this guy for real?

I’ve found a series of books that are just the antidote to this kind of ongoing nonsense. They’re called the Politically Incorrect series and have titles like THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE (P.I.G. for short) TO ISLAM (AND THE CRUSADES) and THE POLITICALLY INCORRECT GUIDE TO GLOBAL WARMING. They’re very much like the Dummies and Idiot’s guides only they’re... politically incorrect (the way Christianity is politically incorrect these days, although the books aren’t Christian per se).

The P.I.G. to Islam has tons of interesting information you might not know such as that the Crusades were a defensive conflict on the part of the West and not the act of aggression Muslims would like you to believe. Or that the Muslim persecution of Christians has continued for 13 centuries and still goes on. I love the blurb they have on the front cover which they call 'praise' for the author -- “May Allah rip out his spine from his back and split his brains in two, and then put them both back, and then do it over and over again. Amen”. This lovely gem is quoted from Must be some real truth-telling going on in the book since it’s pushing someone’s buttons to this degree.

The P.I.G. to the Bible is filled with great comebacks for anyone who tries to denigrate the Bible. Try sprinkling your conversation with tidbits on how recent archaeological discoveries continue to confirm the historical accuracy of Bible stories or how the Bible made modern science possible or how Biblical laws paved the way for democracy. Turns out the enemies of the Bible are enemies of true reason and tolerance as our Founding Fathers well understood.

The P.I.G. to Darwinism and Intelligent Design and The P.I.G. to Global Warming give the lowdown on those two hot potato topics. After you’ve browsed through them, check out the movie Expelled if you haven’t already seen it. Scientists who question Darwinism in any way are being punished by public institutions using your tax dollars.

I think my two favorite P.I.G.’s, probably because I’ve studied so much about history and literature, are The P.I.G. to Western Civilization and The P.I.G. to English and American Literature.

Multiculturalism is all well and good, but American civilization IS western civilization with its roots in Christianity and Judaism, Greece and Rome, and yes, lots of dead white males. Old-fashioned morality, traditional families, everything many liberals hate can be summed up in two words -- Western Civ... which is probably why high schools and colleges don’t really teach it anymore. And by the way, it was the so-called progressive ideas of the nineteenth century that led to fascism, communism, and two world wars.

The same sorts of things can be said about English and American Lit which is also dominated by dead white males. I learned that one of my favorite authors, Jane Austen, was a fan of the patriarchy. Who knew?? And yet it can’t be denied that the greatest English literature is explicitly Christian and was written by an impressive array of dead white guys (think Shakespeare and Milton for a start).

These books are great, subversive fun for the politically incorrect in all of us.

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