Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Is It Time To Stop Calling Myself An Evangelical?

A bunch of so-called Evangelicals including Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Leif Anderson, and Tony Compolo signed a letter a while back saying that Muslims and Christians both worship the same God and that both love their neighbors.

That’s news to me!

Even though I’ve only read parts of the Koran, it’s obvious that Allah is nothing like Jehovah of the Bible. Allah is a capricious God who does NOT pride himself on keeping his promises the way the God of the Bible does. In one verse it even says that Allah sends both the righteous and unrighteous first to hell and from there, if their good deeds outweigh the bad and if they’re able to cross a tiny bridge as thin as a piece of hair, they get to go to paradise. If they fail, they fall into the fire. Not quite the same thing as the atoning blood of Jesus.

The Jesus of the Koran is not the Jesus of the Bible. Muslims certainly do not consider him God’s son. (Have you ever noticed how so many religions change Jesus into ‘another’ Jesus to suit their aims -- Morman, Islam, Jehovah’s Witness, New Age, Christian Scientist. Changing Jesus is the first thing you do when you go off the reservation of true Christianity.)

The bottom line is that the Koran and the Bible don’t harmonize in any way, shape or form. Nor is there anything in the Koran about loving your neighbor. You can’t have a peace plan with people who ultimately want to destroy you.

I find it suspicious that it was the Muslim clerics who approached the Christians with this letter idea. I’m thinking they’re pulling a fast one. This might even be a step toward a one world religion (not that this is their intended purpose). Of all the religions in the world, Christianity and Islam are often considered problem children. For the one world religion of Bible prophesy to work, they must somehow either come together or one must be gotten rid of. Perhaps this is part of Satan’s strategy.

All I can say is that any march toward a one world religion shouldn’t start with us. And yet these evangelicals are signing on! Don’t they realize that Christians have to bring down their standards in order to join with other religions? As Brannon Howse so aptly put it, signing this letter is spiritual treason.

Muslims must be loving this latest coup.

I think I’m going to start calling myself a Bible believer from now on.

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