Thursday, August 28, 2008

Obama and Islam

What’s the deal with Barack Obama and Islam?

Is he or has he ever been a Muslim?

And how do Muslims view him?

I received some interesting information in a recent email from ACT for America concerning a series of articles by Daniel Pipes. I urge you to check them out for yourself.

The question about Obama being a Muslim has been flying around the internet and elsewhere for a while now. Did he ever practice Islam? The Obama campaign says no, but is that the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

According to Islamic law, because his father was a Muslim, that automatically makes Obama a Muslim. Sure, that’s beyond his control, but technically you have to say he was born a Muslim since that’s how the religion counts it.

More importantly, though, his school records from Indonesia also list him as a Muslim. Dig a little deeper and you find that Obama actually attended Koran classes and that various classmates and teachers say he could recite verses from the Koran with a perfect accent. They also say he sometimes attended mosque on Fridays with his stepfather.

So obviously Barack Obama was a Muslim, at least for a time. Which means his campaign is lying. Even in his book, DREAMS OF MY FATHER, he mentions cutting up in Koran class. So like the typical politician he says he’s not, he’s whitewashing his past.

What he believed in the earlier part of his life may be up for grabs, but at the age of 27, he came to Christianity thanks to the now infamous Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama has actually spent more of his life as a non-Christian than as a Christian. Maybe that’s why his “Christianity” is one that allows not only for abortion, but also for the killing of born alive babies, a view too radical even for NARAL (National Abortion Rights Action League) to support. Obama stayed in Reverend Wright's church for 20 years until it turned out to be a liability to his political career and then he dropped his former mentor and pastor like a hot potato.

In any case, I find the symbolism of a U.S. presidential candidate with the middle name of Hussein who went to school as a Muslim in Indonesia more than a little troubling.

The Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan calls Obama ‘the hope of the entire world.’ Sorry, but I don’t vote to elect a president who’s good for the world, although that’s not a bad thing. I vote for someone who’s good for America. It seems obvious the world doesn’t like America’s prosperity and especially her freedoms, even though many benefit from them. Obama seems to think we Americans need to cut back on our lifestyles and get in line with Europe and the rest of the world. I was not thrilled to see him acting as though he were already president when he toured Europe; I was even more upset when I heard him apologizing for America and then lecturing Americans on their failure to speak other languages the way the Europeans do. We’ve never run our country according to the dictates of Europe, the U.N., or anyone else and I don’t think we should start now.

Many Muslims consider Obama one of their own because they reason his middle name is Hussein and therefore he can't be a Christian. If he really was a Muslim, even for two minutes, and then switched to Christianity, wouldn’t he be considered an apostate and worthy of the death penalty? According to Pipes, Muslims in other countries rarely see Obama as a Christian, but consider him either a Muslim or an ex-Muslim. On the other hand, many Arabic language news sources do consider Obama an apostate. This elicits the scary scenario of him getting elected and then having Al Qaeda take advantage of the opportunity to step up their jihad on the Great Satan whose commander-in-chief is an apostate Muslim (although if Obama cuts military spending like he promises, we won't have to worry about defending ourselves).

So our choice boils down to an American war hero who's pro-life and good on terror, but a disaster when it comes to handling the immigration problem or a possible Muslim apostate who thinks America isn't what it used to be and whose big mantra of change involves taxing us into socialism.

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