Friday, November 28, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Atheist?

What’s the deal with atheists and Christmas?

They don’t believe in God, which means they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Other people who do believe want to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Why do atheists feel they have any say in anything about a holiday that means nothing to them? Are we supposed to feel sorry for them because they don’t have a holiday of their own at this time of year?

In actuality, the word holiday comes from holy day. So in principle, holidays are religious events. Atheists get the time off just like everyone else and they can do with it as they wish. No one is forcing them to participate. And if someone wishes them a Merry Christmas, so what? That person is just passing along his own happiness with the day and the season. I don’t celebrate Hanukkah, but if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah, I would say thanks for the good wishes.

Now the atheists feel driven to advertise. It started in Great Britain when the British Humanist Association launched an ad campaign some months back that said ‘There’s probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’

Then came the billboards in Denver and Colorado Springs that read ‘Don’t believe in god? You are not alone’, while the American Humanist Association has undertaken their own ad campaign on the sides of buses in Washington, D.C., just in time for Christmas. ‘Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake’ is their advice.

The bottom line on all these sentiments is the same and always has been. These people don’t want to have to answer to God. They feel they should be able to do anything they want anytime they like. They’ve taken the idea of doing what’s right in their own eyes and they’re running with it -- straight to hell, as it turns out.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sharia Law Strikes Again

Just recently In Somalia, a 13 year old girl was stoned to death, all in the name of Islam and Sharia law.

The story of what happened is like something out of your worst nightmare except that this truth is more horrible than any fiction.

It begins when a 13 year old girl is raped by three men. Her aunt takes her to the police station to report the crime. Instead, they arrest the girl, and in a secret trial, convict her of adultery. They order her execution by stoning.

Men go around town, announcing the big event which is to be held in the stadium. Crowds come to watch as the girl is dragged screaming into the arena. She’s buried up to her neck in the dirt and a gang of fifty men pick up stones from the pile which as been carted in for the occasion. They start hurling them at her. after a while they stop to check if she’s still alive. She is, so they stone her some more until she’s dead.

Hatred of everything female has deep, deep roots in Islam. The Koran shows little regard for women, allowing husbands to beat and kill them with impunity. The same goes for ‘honor’ killings which take care of any rebellion on the part of daughters or sisters, by allowing the men in the family to murder any female relative who does anything they feel ‘dishonors’ the family name. This includes things like dating a boy they don’t approve of, getting divorced, not wearing a veil... and getting raped in which case they blame the victim.

It would be hard to find a religion so diametrically opposed to Christianity in every way. Christianity lifts up women, making them co-heirs to God’s kingdom. Muhammad said hell was filled with mostly women and that it takes two women to equal the testimony of one man. Only in Western countries which are all based on Christianity have women obtained equal rights.

Even when it comes to eschatology, the Muslim end times mindset perfectly matches the spirit of the Antichrist of Christianity which means Islam’s animosity toward Christianity and the West will likely not be ending anytime soon. (Check out GOD’S WAR ON TERROR: Islam, Prophecy, and the Bible by Walid Shoebat for a mind-blowing take on the end times by a former Palestinian terrorist-turned-Christian).

It seems to me the Islamic religion has utterly squelched the essence of one half of humanity from their culture. How else can you have mothers who push their sons to become suicide bombers, something we in the West find unbelievably abhorrent? How else could any father take his two teenage daughters for a drive and then shoot them dead for dating American boys as happened right here in the U.S.? How else can the Palestinians imbue their tender young children with vitriolic hate against Jews and Christians, so much so that they even employ a cartoon Mickey Mouse clone to teach it to them? The whole culture has become hardened and cruel because they leave no room for the softer feminine virtues. Instead they idolize the warrior virtues of Muhammad to the point of irrationality.

I realize that many, if not the majority of Muslims don’t aspire to this kind of radical behavior. But the seeds are there, in the Koran and especially in Sharia law, ready to be nurtured into extremism. What worries me is that the moderate Muslims don’t seem to speak out against the terrorists and their ilk -- which makes me wonder where they really stand.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do You Know What Your Kids' Teachers Are Up To?

I always thought the National Education Association (NEA) was a nice, traditional teachers’ union. I thought they concerned themselves with matters of education and the rights of teachers in the workplace.

And then I learned the NEA donated a cool million dollars to defeat Proposition 8 in California.

I find this outrageous. If I were a teacher and someone was abusing my union dues in this fashion, I’d be furious.

The fact of the matter is the NEA is a radical organization pushing hard for a leftist, secular humanist agenda. Check out the jaw-dropping resolutions they’ve passed at their annual convention...

1. They want universal healthcare.

2. They want more gun control.

3. They want to eliminate activities that contribute to global warming.

4. They oppose vouchers, tuition tax credits, and anything else that challenges their hegemony in the public schools by giving parents a choice.

5. They oppose making English the national language even though 80% of Americans support this.

6. They oppose any requirement that schools have a moment of silence.

7. They oppose home schooling unless it’s done by a state-licensed teacher using a state-approved curriculum.

8. They oppose home schooled kids being able to participate in extra-curricular school activities, even though their parents pay taxes for those schools.

9. They support diversity and a multicultural education that reduces homophobia (i.e. they support the homosexual agenda)

10. They’re in favor of gay marriage (ditto).

11. They’re in favor of reproductive freedom (i.e. abortion).

No wonder the U.S. Secretary of Education called the NEA a terrorist organization. The ACLU would be proud of an agenda like this.

The good news is that in many states, including California, there are actual laws that allow you to divert your union dues to the charity of your choice and not to the organization if it’s supporting causes which go against your values. Even better, this law applies to any union, not just the NEA. Check out the Pacific Justice Institute for how to do this if you’re interested.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if thousands of teachers decided to send their money elsewhere? If dues are $1000/year and 1000 teachers did this, that would mean a million bucks going somewhere other than towards the radical agenda of the NEA.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Life at the Bottom

I recently read a fascinating, but sobering book called LIFE AT THE BOTTOM: The Worldview That Makes The Underclass by Theodore Dalrymple.

It’s the searing account of life in the underclass written by a British psychiatrist who treated the poor in a British slum hospital and prison. Mr. Dalrymple believes that poverty is not caused by economics, but by a dysfunctional set of values, and he proceeds to lay out the evidence to back it up. We’re not talking about a few dozen examples either. Over the course of his employment, the author interviewed some 10,000 people who have tried to commit suicide never mind the thousands of others he has counseled. So he knows what he’s talking about.

Of course, Great Britain is more socialistic than we are here in America, but we’re rapidly heading in that direction and it can only get worse under Obama’s policies, particularly his ‘spread the wealth’ mantra.

The underclass in Britain is not poor as poverty has been traditionally defined. These people have a place to live thanks to the government as well as food, TV, and cell phones. They’re not politically repressed. And yet their lives are dominated by violence, crime, and degradation.

The author shows how these patterns of behavior come not from being poor, not from race or genetics, and not from the welfare state (at least not directly). Their situation comes from ideas which have trickled down from the intelligentsia (i.e. bleeding heart liberals) who want to blame everything but the kitchen sink for this sad state of affairs rather than holding anyone responsible for their actions thus giving people a victim mentality.

Sound familiar? People have happily bought into the same victim mentality in this country. With no moral compass to guide them because of course, religion is a crutch, people can only continue in a downward spiral. With sex freed of any contractual or social obligations, you end up with women having multiple children by multiple partners and a 70% rate of illegitimate births (and rising). Abortion is rampant with one common method involving the incensed boyfriend/father kicking the woman in the stomach to cause a miscarriage.

Mr. Dalrymple tells of endless streams of women who come to him having been abused by the most recent father of her latest child only to watch her take up with another man just as abusive.

One such woman in that situation sought his advice on what to do.

When the author asked about the boyfriend in question, she explained that the guy had been living with one woman, but the woman left him when she found out he was seeing somebody else. Now there’s a prime candidate for a loving, long term relationship. The author then asked what the boyfriend was interested in. “Nothing, really” was her reply. He asked about her own interests and got a similar answer -- “I don’t really have any.”

The author then proceeded to warn her in no uncertain terms. He told her her new boyfriend would completely take over her life, would most assuredly become violent, and would use and abuse her for several years until he eventually left her. He also pointed out that when this occurred, she absolutely could not consider herself a victim because he was telling her right up front what to expect, as he imagined her friends and her parents would also do.

Her answer? “But I love him!”

No one feels to blame for anything. As one man explained to the author after he’d committed murder... ‘the knife just went in’. Never mind that his was the hand wielding the knife or the fact that he was the one carrying a weapon around in the first place. And yet the police hardly ever arrest anyone because, after all, the powers-that-be insist punishment isn’t the answer, but that psychiatric treatment is needed for these poor, oppressed masses.

The Bible had it right all along. As it says throughout the book of Judges and elsewhere... everyone did what was right in his own eyes. This attitude can only lead to social chaos and personal misery. The Bible also says the heart of man is incurably wicked. Being left to ourselves without guidance from God’s word is a sure recipe for disaster as this book shows in vivid detail.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Intolerance of the Supposedly Tolerant

The hypocritical, politically correct, pro-gay marriage contingent is on the rampage in California.

Even though the African American vote was a huge factor in helping to pass the amendment (African Americans favored traditional marriage by a margin of 70% to 30%), the homosexual community has chosen to ignore that fact in favor of protesting in front of the Mormon Church and Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, both of which are considered politically correct targets. The polls also show that Hispanics were more in favor of traditional marriage than white voters who were basically split down the middle, but there are no protests going on in those neighborhoods either.

I watched the video of one of those rallies where a grandmotherly woman was peacefully supporting the adoption of Proposition 8 and traditional marriage by carrying a cross. She was physically attacked by a bunch of screaming, hostile homosexual marriage supporters who ripped the cross from her hands, threw it to the ground, and stomped all over it. They jerked and jostled the poor woman around, shoving their Vote No on Prop 8 signs in her face in an aggressive manner that was frightening to behold.

A reporter from a local station tried to interview the woman after the incident, but the screaming masses wouldn’t allow her to speak. The woman even mouthed ‘I love you’ to the crowd which, of course, is what the Bible teaches us to do, i.e. love the sinner and hate the sin. But these guys (and they were mostly men) were having none of it as they continued their red-faced, screaming tirade.

She never did get interviewed. Ironically her freedom of speech was violated by people on the opposing side exercising their own freedom of speech.

Worst of all was when the anchor back in the studio referred to the ‘hate coming from both sides’. What I’d like to know is where was the hate coming from this brave woman who was not only outnumbered, but was simply in favor of civilization’s millennia-long definition of marriage as one man and one woman.

The injustice continues as the people who demand tolerance show their intolerance in every possible way.

It started as soon as it became known that Proposition 8 had passed and only traditional marriage would be recognized by the state. Hate-filled emails hit the Internet. Some threatened bodily harm. Others called for the burning down of churches. Still others vowed to picket marriages, promising every bride and groom in California that they would vandalize their cars in the parking lot, make their cakes and drinks taste funny, and generally do anything and everything they could to ruin their weddings.

Challenges have already been issued by the ACLU and others to try and reverse the will of the people. The validity of the marriages of same sex couples that took place after the California Supreme Court allowed it back in June are also being questioned. Ironically, those marriages along with the traditional marriages performed during that time may be in jeopardy because according to California law, when you change a major procedure like marriage, you must allow 45 days for public comment and discussion. Not only was there no public discussion, but homosexual couples were already being married after only 15 days. Hence EVERY marriage that occurred during those months might be null and void thanks to the state of California violating its own legal procedures.

It’s like something out of a madcap Hollywood movie. It might be funny if it wasn’t such a tragic commentary of the spiritual state of the union.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Amazing Race

I’ve been reading about the triumph of Amendment 2 (the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment) and what an amazing victory it really was. It has God’s fingerprints all over it.

John Sternberger who headed the Yes to Marriage efforts in Florida ( feels it’s the triumph of the Common Man over the Cultural Elites. He summarized the absolutely fierce opposition along the way in his thank you email and it’s too uplifting not to share. Here are some highlights of the hurdles they faced -- and with God’s help overcame...

1. The rules changed after the petition was started, going from requiring 50% approval to pass in the general election to needing 60% approval.

2. A ‘gay’ church in Jacksonville tried to intimidate Florida voters who signed the marriage petition by publishing their names online in a ‘know your neighbor’ campaign. The Yes2Marriage group turned this around and used the website as a tool to help them find friends and family who hadn’t yet signed the petition.

3. The Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections ‘accidentally’ counted 22,000 names twice, thus requiring an emergency effort to get another 22,000 signatures in only 13 days. They ended up collecting over 92,000!

4. Four South Florida newspapers published a month-old news story as if it were breaking news saying that the group had achieved their petition goal even as the emergency collection effort was going on. They refused to admit or report their error.

5. Opponents outspent them 3 to 1.

6. Thousands of yard signs were stolen, vandalized, and destroyed. Billboards were defaced. People who displayed Yes2Marriage bumper stickers had their cars keyed.
7. Every single daily newspaper in Florida (all 27 of them) openly opposed Amendment 2 more than once in their editorial pages.

7. Opponents filed a last minute complaint and a frivolous lawsuit which was denied by the judge on all counts.

8. The day before the election, former president Bill Clinton made a quarter of a million robo calls to scare Floridians into voting no on Amendment 2.

Thanks to the efforts of Yes2Marriage, their allies (including a diverse coalition of churches of various denominations, organizations, and businesses), and many thousands of volunteers, we can relax knowing that words like ‘mother’ and ‘father’ will NOT be removed from textbooks as being bigoted and our school kids will not be bombarded with diversity packs and homosexual lifestyle lectures.

Thank you, God, for keeping marriage sacred in the state of Florida. Let’s now pray that the passage of Propostion 8 will withstand the onslaught of lawsuits in California.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Excellent


Obama won the election.

The terrorists are probably dancing in the streets while Israel must be worried at the possible direction of our foreign policy.

It looks like abortion is here with us to stay, at least for this next generation.

The so called mainstream media was totally rooting for Obama with an overwhelming, one-sided positive coverage that was hard to overcome. Since they didn’t hold Obama accountable while he was running for president, they will not hold him accountable after he assumes office.

We’ll have to wait and see if Obama is able to deliver on his many other promises to liberalize America beyond recognition.


The election is finally over. Seems like it went on FOREVER!

The election was NOT the blowout the Democrats predicted.

The Democrats did NOT get a super-majority.

Marriage prevailed in Florida, California, and Arizona.

We have the final proof that America is NOT a racist nation, so maybe we can lay that tired accusation to rest. In that respect I am very proud to be an American.


God is in control. We don’t know His plan, but since He allowed Obama to be elected, we can be sure it’s for our good. Maybe this election chaos will lead to a revival in America. Maybe Obama will be so liberal, he’ll cause Americans to swing back to the other side. Maybe it’s a harbinger of America’s decline in preparation for the end times. Only time will tell.


As Christians, we have to step up to the plate in these next four years and let our voices be heard. We must do everything we can to keep the New Media (talk radio, Internet news, and the blogosphere) strong and free so we can have access to the unbiased truth and keep the dialogue going. The one thing we CANNOT do is to hide out in our churches and not engage the culture. The passage of the three Marriage amendments shows that Americans are not as radical as some would have us believe.

America is still the greatest country in the world. Praise God for that and pray for His continued mercy and blessings.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fastng and Praying for November 4th

Today I’m fasting and praying for tomorrow’s election. I’m praying for God’s purposes to be accomplished whatever they may be. We may not know God’s agenda when it comes to the End Times or how that might play out for America, but we surely know what the Bible says about many of the issues facing us right now. I’m praying that America will stand firm against abortion and the homosexual agenda and the many other things God clearly abhors.

However, if Obama is elected, there is comfort to be found in Proverbs 21:1 which says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turns it wherever He will.” I know I will have a tough time praying for Obama as president, but since we’re told to pray for our leaders, and since God can turn any leader’s heart, I will do my best should that be necessary.

Our church gave out a list of issues to pray for today. No matter which candidate wins, we can still pray for God to have mercy on us and bless us in spite of our disobedience, and we can pray for the many congressional and local elections which will also effect the fate of our nation.

In no particular order the key issues I’m praying for are...

1. ENERGY, that we can have offshore drilling, more refineries, and more development of coal so we can end our dependence on oil from the hostile Middle East.

2. IMMIGRATION, that we can stop illegal entry into this country and make our borders secure.

3. LIFE, that we may finally stop killing our unborn children and most particularly stop the government from being in the abortion business through its funding of Planned Parenthood and others.

4. MARRIAGE AND HOMOSEXUALITY, so we can maintain civilization’s gold standard of marriage between one man and one woman, and stop federal hate crime laws based on sexual orientation which criminalizes the preaching of Christianity.

5. SCHOOL CHOICE, that we may do everything possible to allow parents to choose their children’s schooling through tax credits and/or vouchers and that we support home schooling.

6. TAXES AND SPENDING, that we may keep this country’s economy strong, produce more jobs, and get ourselves out of debt, both national and personal.

7. WAR AND PEACE, that we may keep our country strong militarily against the many enemies of freedom around the world and not pull our troops our of Iraq until the time is right.

8. JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS, that we may appoint judges who are strict constructionists and not ones who want to legislate from the bench, a direct violation of our Constitution.

God Bless America!!