Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Intolerance of the Supposedly Tolerant

The hypocritical, politically correct, pro-gay marriage contingent is on the rampage in California.

Even though the African American vote was a huge factor in helping to pass the amendment (African Americans favored traditional marriage by a margin of 70% to 30%), the homosexual community has chosen to ignore that fact in favor of protesting in front of the Mormon Church and Pastor Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, both of which are considered politically correct targets. The polls also show that Hispanics were more in favor of traditional marriage than white voters who were basically split down the middle, but there are no protests going on in those neighborhoods either.

I watched the video of one of those rallies where a grandmotherly woman was peacefully supporting the adoption of Proposition 8 and traditional marriage by carrying a cross. She was physically attacked by a bunch of screaming, hostile homosexual marriage supporters who ripped the cross from her hands, threw it to the ground, and stomped all over it. They jerked and jostled the poor woman around, shoving their Vote No on Prop 8 signs in her face in an aggressive manner that was frightening to behold.

A reporter from a local station tried to interview the woman after the incident, but the screaming masses wouldn’t allow her to speak. The woman even mouthed ‘I love you’ to the crowd which, of course, is what the Bible teaches us to do, i.e. love the sinner and hate the sin. But these guys (and they were mostly men) were having none of it as they continued their red-faced, screaming tirade.

She never did get interviewed. Ironically her freedom of speech was violated by people on the opposing side exercising their own freedom of speech.

Worst of all was when the anchor back in the studio referred to the ‘hate coming from both sides’. What I’d like to know is where was the hate coming from this brave woman who was not only outnumbered, but was simply in favor of civilization’s millennia-long definition of marriage as one man and one woman.

The injustice continues as the people who demand tolerance show their intolerance in every possible way.

It started as soon as it became known that Proposition 8 had passed and only traditional marriage would be recognized by the state. Hate-filled emails hit the Internet. Some threatened bodily harm. Others called for the burning down of churches. Still others vowed to picket marriages, promising every bride and groom in California that they would vandalize their cars in the parking lot, make their cakes and drinks taste funny, and generally do anything and everything they could to ruin their weddings.

Challenges have already been issued by the ACLU and others to try and reverse the will of the people. The validity of the marriages of same sex couples that took place after the California Supreme Court allowed it back in June are also being questioned. Ironically, those marriages along with the traditional marriages performed during that time may be in jeopardy because according to California law, when you change a major procedure like marriage, you must allow 45 days for public comment and discussion. Not only was there no public discussion, but homosexual couples were already being married after only 15 days. Hence EVERY marriage that occurred during those months might be null and void thanks to the state of California violating its own legal procedures.

It’s like something out of a madcap Hollywood movie. It might be funny if it wasn’t such a tragic commentary of the spiritual state of the union.

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