Monday, November 24, 2008

Sharia Law Strikes Again

Just recently In Somalia, a 13 year old girl was stoned to death, all in the name of Islam and Sharia law.

The story of what happened is like something out of your worst nightmare except that this truth is more horrible than any fiction.

It begins when a 13 year old girl is raped by three men. Her aunt takes her to the police station to report the crime. Instead, they arrest the girl, and in a secret trial, convict her of adultery. They order her execution by stoning.

Men go around town, announcing the big event which is to be held in the stadium. Crowds come to watch as the girl is dragged screaming into the arena. She’s buried up to her neck in the dirt and a gang of fifty men pick up stones from the pile which as been carted in for the occasion. They start hurling them at her. after a while they stop to check if she’s still alive. She is, so they stone her some more until she’s dead.

Hatred of everything female has deep, deep roots in Islam. The Koran shows little regard for women, allowing husbands to beat and kill them with impunity. The same goes for ‘honor’ killings which take care of any rebellion on the part of daughters or sisters, by allowing the men in the family to murder any female relative who does anything they feel ‘dishonors’ the family name. This includes things like dating a boy they don’t approve of, getting divorced, not wearing a veil... and getting raped in which case they blame the victim.

It would be hard to find a religion so diametrically opposed to Christianity in every way. Christianity lifts up women, making them co-heirs to God’s kingdom. Muhammad said hell was filled with mostly women and that it takes two women to equal the testimony of one man. Only in Western countries which are all based on Christianity have women obtained equal rights.

Even when it comes to eschatology, the Muslim end times mindset perfectly matches the spirit of the Antichrist of Christianity which means Islam’s animosity toward Christianity and the West will likely not be ending anytime soon. (Check out GOD’S WAR ON TERROR: Islam, Prophecy, and the Bible by Walid Shoebat for a mind-blowing take on the end times by a former Palestinian terrorist-turned-Christian).

It seems to me the Islamic religion has utterly squelched the essence of one half of humanity from their culture. How else can you have mothers who push their sons to become suicide bombers, something we in the West find unbelievably abhorrent? How else could any father take his two teenage daughters for a drive and then shoot them dead for dating American boys as happened right here in the U.S.? How else can the Palestinians imbue their tender young children with vitriolic hate against Jews and Christians, so much so that they even employ a cartoon Mickey Mouse clone to teach it to them? The whole culture has become hardened and cruel because they leave no room for the softer feminine virtues. Instead they idolize the warrior virtues of Muhammad to the point of irrationality.

I realize that many, if not the majority of Muslims don’t aspire to this kind of radical behavior. But the seeds are there, in the Koran and especially in Sharia law, ready to be nurtured into extremism. What worries me is that the moderate Muslims don’t seem to speak out against the terrorists and their ilk -- which makes me wonder where they really stand.

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