Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Good, The Bad, and The Excellent


Obama won the election.

The terrorists are probably dancing in the streets while Israel must be worried at the possible direction of our foreign policy.

It looks like abortion is here with us to stay, at least for this next generation.

The so called mainstream media was totally rooting for Obama with an overwhelming, one-sided positive coverage that was hard to overcome. Since they didn’t hold Obama accountable while he was running for president, they will not hold him accountable after he assumes office.

We’ll have to wait and see if Obama is able to deliver on his many other promises to liberalize America beyond recognition.


The election is finally over. Seems like it went on FOREVER!

The election was NOT the blowout the Democrats predicted.

The Democrats did NOT get a super-majority.

Marriage prevailed in Florida, California, and Arizona.

We have the final proof that America is NOT a racist nation, so maybe we can lay that tired accusation to rest. In that respect I am very proud to be an American.


God is in control. We don’t know His plan, but since He allowed Obama to be elected, we can be sure it’s for our good. Maybe this election chaos will lead to a revival in America. Maybe Obama will be so liberal, he’ll cause Americans to swing back to the other side. Maybe it’s a harbinger of America’s decline in preparation for the end times. Only time will tell.


As Christians, we have to step up to the plate in these next four years and let our voices be heard. We must do everything we can to keep the New Media (talk radio, Internet news, and the blogosphere) strong and free so we can have access to the unbiased truth and keep the dialogue going. The one thing we CANNOT do is to hide out in our churches and not engage the culture. The passage of the three Marriage amendments shows that Americans are not as radical as some would have us believe.

America is still the greatest country in the world. Praise God for that and pray for His continued mercy and blessings.

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