Monday, November 3, 2008

Fastng and Praying for November 4th

Today I’m fasting and praying for tomorrow’s election. I’m praying for God’s purposes to be accomplished whatever they may be. We may not know God’s agenda when it comes to the End Times or how that might play out for America, but we surely know what the Bible says about many of the issues facing us right now. I’m praying that America will stand firm against abortion and the homosexual agenda and the many other things God clearly abhors.

However, if Obama is elected, there is comfort to be found in Proverbs 21:1 which says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: He turns it wherever He will.” I know I will have a tough time praying for Obama as president, but since we’re told to pray for our leaders, and since God can turn any leader’s heart, I will do my best should that be necessary.

Our church gave out a list of issues to pray for today. No matter which candidate wins, we can still pray for God to have mercy on us and bless us in spite of our disobedience, and we can pray for the many congressional and local elections which will also effect the fate of our nation.

In no particular order the key issues I’m praying for are...

1. ENERGY, that we can have offshore drilling, more refineries, and more development of coal so we can end our dependence on oil from the hostile Middle East.

2. IMMIGRATION, that we can stop illegal entry into this country and make our borders secure.

3. LIFE, that we may finally stop killing our unborn children and most particularly stop the government from being in the abortion business through its funding of Planned Parenthood and others.

4. MARRIAGE AND HOMOSEXUALITY, so we can maintain civilization’s gold standard of marriage between one man and one woman, and stop federal hate crime laws based on sexual orientation which criminalizes the preaching of Christianity.

5. SCHOOL CHOICE, that we may do everything possible to allow parents to choose their children’s schooling through tax credits and/or vouchers and that we support home schooling.

6. TAXES AND SPENDING, that we may keep this country’s economy strong, produce more jobs, and get ourselves out of debt, both national and personal.

7. WAR AND PEACE, that we may keep our country strong militarily against the many enemies of freedom around the world and not pull our troops our of Iraq until the time is right.

8. JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS, that we may appoint judges who are strict constructionists and not ones who want to legislate from the bench, a direct violation of our Constitution.

God Bless America!!

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