Anyone who’s read their Bible knows about Baal, the Canaanite god who was worshipped back in the days of the ancient Israelites. God’s chosen people were often in deep hot water for turning away from God and putting their trust in this stone idol.
Of course, we laugh at such a thing today. None of us would ever worship something so obviously created by man.
Or would we?
Baal worship revolved around three main principles... child sacrifice, sexual immorality, and pantheism.
Child sacrifice was brutal and blood-curdling. A baby or young child was burned alive before a statue of the god. It was known as making your children pass through the fire and it was considered an abomination that was absolutely and unambiguously forbidden by God.
Sexual immorality in those days was of the hetero- and homosexual variety. Men and women would have orgies with members of either sex in order to help the fertility of the land. The problem of getting pregnant and not wanting the child was easily taken care of in one of two ways -- either you had sex with a same-sex partner or you provided fodder for the next child sacrifice.
Pantheism is the belief that God is in all things and all things are god. This boils down to a reverence of the creation over the Creator.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it.
When it comes to child sacrifice, we just happen to handle it more efficiently by killing the child in the womb through abortion. No messy ashes and smoky fires, no sooty residue.
As for the sexual immorality part -- we have that covered in spades. Sex outside of marriage (i.e. fornication), pornography, incest, sodomy, and homosexuality abound. Just in case we don’t have the time ourselves to indulge, we can watch other people perform all these acts and many more in the movies and on TV, or we can read about them in magazines and bestselling novels. What’s even worse, when it comes to adultery and homosexuality, we insist that it’s all part and parcel of a loving relationship.
If you think we don't reverence the creation rather than the Creator, just take a look at the evolution that’s being forced down our throats by the media and indoctrinated into our children in school. According to the Darwinists, the Creator had nothing to do with making the universe or planet earth or any of the creatures living on it. We even have a breed of radical environmentalists who put animals and the environment above the needs of human beings. If that’s not pantheism, I don’t know what is. As for the concept of global warming, this is more of a faith-based religion than science -- at least if you truly examine the facts. Your career can be in jeopardy if you don’t fall in line with this latest pronouncement from on high. And yet, only thirty or so years ago, scientists were warning of an impending ice age.
Welcome to Baal worship, 21st century style. As it says in Ecclesiastes, there’s nothing new under the sun.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
New Age Bible Versions Part 2
I’ve been immersed in a fascinating book called NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS by G.A. Riplinger which charges that the many new versions of the Bible like the NIV and the NASB are moving mankind toward the Antichrist’s one world religion. According to the author, the only reliable Bible version is the King James for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that the translators themselves were some of the most godly men who ever lived and the manuscripts they used as their basis have not been tampered with by men like Westcott and Hort who were known to dabble in Spiritism and other occult practices.
When you think about it, the devil subtly changed what God said in the Garden of Eden. It worked pretty well then, why not keep doing it? There are plenty of people on earth he can use to try to accomplish his goal to thwart the plan of God, whether it’s Hitler or a misguided Bible translator.
Here’s a prime example. The NASB translates 1 Cor. 8:4 as “There is no such thing as an idol” while the KJV says “ an idol is nothing.” These two statements are not the same thing at all. The new version translation can lead to much confusion especially considering how many times idols are mentioned throughout the Bible.
Here are some more thought-provoking tidbits I learned from this book...
Occultists have long used the phrase ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ to place Jesus in a limiting context. The NASB among others calls him “Jesus Christ the Nazarene” in Acts 4:10, “the Nazarene, Jesus” in Acts 6:14, and “Jesus the Nazarene” in John 19:19. The KJV uses ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ in all three places.
There are at least 100 instances where the deity of Christ is avoided in the new versions. The Godhead is also missing in many places. In Acts 19:10 and 1 Cor. 16:22, the NASB has “the Lord” while the KJV says “ the Lord Jesus” or “the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The new versions even manage to make it possible to accuse Jesus of sin by omitting a key phrase in Matthew 5:22. The KJV reads, “That whosoever is angry with his brother WITHOUT A CAUSE shall be in danger of judgment” while the NASB and NIV say “Anyone who is angry with his brother will be the subject of judgment.” That extra little phrase in the KJV makes all the difference in the world when you consider the occasion when Jesus angrily overturned the tables of the money changers.
Hundreds of times in the new versions, the ‘he’ or ‘him’ that refer to Jesus have been changed to the sexless ‘one’. The avowed lesbian translator of the NIV, Virginia Mollenkott, has said in other places that she wants to replace the ‘he’ of Christianity with the neuter ‘one.’ Ms Riplinger lists 21 examples of where this has happened and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The real kicker is the fact that the NIV and NASB have removed the only reference to Lucifer by name in the entire Bible. The KJV states in Isaiah 14, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.” Compare that to the NIV’s “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn” and the NASB’s “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn.” The latter translations help the new agers who assert that Lucifer and Satan are two separate entities. Even Harper’s Bible dictionary says of Isaiah 14 that “the connection was made erroneously between Lucifer and Satan.”
If something in the Bible doesn’t make sense and you’re using one of the new versions, it would seem a good idea to check the passage against the venerable KJV just in case.
When you think about it, the devil subtly changed what God said in the Garden of Eden. It worked pretty well then, why not keep doing it? There are plenty of people on earth he can use to try to accomplish his goal to thwart the plan of God, whether it’s Hitler or a misguided Bible translator.
Here’s a prime example. The NASB translates 1 Cor. 8:4 as “There is no such thing as an idol” while the KJV says “ an idol is nothing.” These two statements are not the same thing at all. The new version translation can lead to much confusion especially considering how many times idols are mentioned throughout the Bible.
Here are some more thought-provoking tidbits I learned from this book...
Occultists have long used the phrase ‘Jesus the Nazarene’ to place Jesus in a limiting context. The NASB among others calls him “Jesus Christ the Nazarene” in Acts 4:10, “the Nazarene, Jesus” in Acts 6:14, and “Jesus the Nazarene” in John 19:19. The KJV uses ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ in all three places.
There are at least 100 instances where the deity of Christ is avoided in the new versions. The Godhead is also missing in many places. In Acts 19:10 and 1 Cor. 16:22, the NASB has “the Lord” while the KJV says “ the Lord Jesus” or “the Lord Jesus Christ.”
The new versions even manage to make it possible to accuse Jesus of sin by omitting a key phrase in Matthew 5:22. The KJV reads, “That whosoever is angry with his brother WITHOUT A CAUSE shall be in danger of judgment” while the NASB and NIV say “Anyone who is angry with his brother will be the subject of judgment.” That extra little phrase in the KJV makes all the difference in the world when you consider the occasion when Jesus angrily overturned the tables of the money changers.
Hundreds of times in the new versions, the ‘he’ or ‘him’ that refer to Jesus have been changed to the sexless ‘one’. The avowed lesbian translator of the NIV, Virginia Mollenkott, has said in other places that she wants to replace the ‘he’ of Christianity with the neuter ‘one.’ Ms Riplinger lists 21 examples of where this has happened and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The real kicker is the fact that the NIV and NASB have removed the only reference to Lucifer by name in the entire Bible. The KJV states in Isaiah 14, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning.” Compare that to the NIV’s “How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn” and the NASB’s “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn.” The latter translations help the new agers who assert that Lucifer and Satan are two separate entities. Even Harper’s Bible dictionary says of Isaiah 14 that “the connection was made erroneously between Lucifer and Satan.”
If something in the Bible doesn’t make sense and you’re using one of the new versions, it would seem a good idea to check the passage against the venerable KJV just in case.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
New Age Bible Versions Part 1
The Bible and its various translations is a topic that never ceases to fascinate me. I have many of the major new translations in my collection, including the NASB, NIV, NLT, and NKJV. I love to contrast and compare verses in each of them.
I’ve always loved the King James Version for its beauty and majesty. The KJV has been the sole translation used in our churches for hundreds of years. Throughout our country’s history, our children were taught the alphabet and reading with the King James version of the Bible. Our founding fathers used it as a guide when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
That situation began changing in the last half of the 20th century when new Bible versions multiplied exponentially and our pastors started using them to teach from the pulpit. There are now over 150 translations in English and still counting. It makes a person wonder why so many are needed.
All these new versions have one thing in common -- they all use the same manuscript texts as their translation source (a version compiled by Westcott and Hort from the Sinaiticus text) as opposed to the Textus Receptus (Received Text) used by the translators of the KJV. It always seemed odd to me that every single new version uses the Sinaiticus text which has numerous omissions and alterations.
Now I’ve come across a book, NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS by G. A. Riplinger that has given me an entirely new perspective and much food for thought on this whole issue.
I was never a fan of the KJV only crowd who insist the KJV is the only version that should be used by Christians. And yet, Riplinger’s book works to show that these new versions are systematically and very subtly steering Christianity toward the New Age movement’s New World Order.
The author says her research yielded these fascinating discoveries...
1) The New Age movement has long expressed a goal of infiltrating the evangelical church and with the help of modern translators is gradually changing the Bible to conform to a one world religion.
2) The editors of these new versions hold beliefs that are not necessarily Biblical -- which helps to explain why they’re comfortable using a manuscript version that was altered by a known spiritualist (Westcott) as the source of their translations. As the author points out, the NIV’s chief editor doesn’t believe that in order to be born again, man must first accept Jesus as savior. Another of the NIV’s translators is a lesbian. And the progenitor of the NASB version has been called ‘the mediator between East and West’ and was instrumental in working toward an East-West synthesis. He referred to his alternations of the articles of faith saying 'the changes thus far... are in the right direction... and should contain the germs of a new theology.'
3) The new versions are often more difficult to read than the KJV because they use many more words to explain a concept and they often use more difficult words when a simple one will do. The KJV may seem like a tough read, but it’s actually on the opposite end of the spectrum from Shakespeare in that it uses a vocabulary of about 8,000 words in contrast to Shakespeare’s enormous vocabulary.
4) The ‘new’ Christianity which is emerging from these versions substitutes ‘riches for righteousness, a crown for a cross, and an imitation for a new creation.’ Could this be why so many churches are becoming more and more ‘liberal’ in their thinking and teaching, so much so that the majority of Christians now believe there are many paths to heaven among other non-Biblical teachings and our younger generation has no problem with homosexual unions?
Ms Riplinger’s book certainly makes for interesting reading whether you agree with her conclusions or not. For one thing, it’s filled with charts of comparison verses. At first, I couldn’t believe these questionably translated verses were from the NIV or the NASB. But when I checked my Bibles, there they were in black and white. A quick example has the author wondering if you’re using a ‘holy’ Bible as she shows that the word ‘holy’ has been removed from the new versions in many places. Instead of ‘holy angels’ in Matthew 25:31, you have ‘angels in the NASB and the NIV. Instead of the ‘Holy Ghost’ in John 7:39, 1 Cor. 2:13, Matt. 12:31. Acts 6:3, and Acts 8:18, you have “Spirit’. Instead of ‘holy prophets and apostles’ in Rev. 18:20, you have ‘prophets and apostles’.
And that’s just for starters. I hope to share more on this topic next time...
I’ve always loved the King James Version for its beauty and majesty. The KJV has been the sole translation used in our churches for hundreds of years. Throughout our country’s history, our children were taught the alphabet and reading with the King James version of the Bible. Our founding fathers used it as a guide when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
That situation began changing in the last half of the 20th century when new Bible versions multiplied exponentially and our pastors started using them to teach from the pulpit. There are now over 150 translations in English and still counting. It makes a person wonder why so many are needed.
All these new versions have one thing in common -- they all use the same manuscript texts as their translation source (a version compiled by Westcott and Hort from the Sinaiticus text) as opposed to the Textus Receptus (Received Text) used by the translators of the KJV. It always seemed odd to me that every single new version uses the Sinaiticus text which has numerous omissions and alterations.
Now I’ve come across a book, NEW AGE BIBLE VERSIONS by G. A. Riplinger that has given me an entirely new perspective and much food for thought on this whole issue.
I was never a fan of the KJV only crowd who insist the KJV is the only version that should be used by Christians. And yet, Riplinger’s book works to show that these new versions are systematically and very subtly steering Christianity toward the New Age movement’s New World Order.
The author says her research yielded these fascinating discoveries...
1) The New Age movement has long expressed a goal of infiltrating the evangelical church and with the help of modern translators is gradually changing the Bible to conform to a one world religion.
2) The editors of these new versions hold beliefs that are not necessarily Biblical -- which helps to explain why they’re comfortable using a manuscript version that was altered by a known spiritualist (Westcott) as the source of their translations. As the author points out, the NIV’s chief editor doesn’t believe that in order to be born again, man must first accept Jesus as savior. Another of the NIV’s translators is a lesbian. And the progenitor of the NASB version has been called ‘the mediator between East and West’ and was instrumental in working toward an East-West synthesis. He referred to his alternations of the articles of faith saying 'the changes thus far... are in the right direction... and should contain the germs of a new theology.'
3) The new versions are often more difficult to read than the KJV because they use many more words to explain a concept and they often use more difficult words when a simple one will do. The KJV may seem like a tough read, but it’s actually on the opposite end of the spectrum from Shakespeare in that it uses a vocabulary of about 8,000 words in contrast to Shakespeare’s enormous vocabulary.
4) The ‘new’ Christianity which is emerging from these versions substitutes ‘riches for righteousness, a crown for a cross, and an imitation for a new creation.’ Could this be why so many churches are becoming more and more ‘liberal’ in their thinking and teaching, so much so that the majority of Christians now believe there are many paths to heaven among other non-Biblical teachings and our younger generation has no problem with homosexual unions?
Ms Riplinger’s book certainly makes for interesting reading whether you agree with her conclusions or not. For one thing, it’s filled with charts of comparison verses. At first, I couldn’t believe these questionably translated verses were from the NIV or the NASB. But when I checked my Bibles, there they were in black and white. A quick example has the author wondering if you’re using a ‘holy’ Bible as she shows that the word ‘holy’ has been removed from the new versions in many places. Instead of ‘holy angels’ in Matthew 25:31, you have ‘angels in the NASB and the NIV. Instead of the ‘Holy Ghost’ in John 7:39, 1 Cor. 2:13, Matt. 12:31. Acts 6:3, and Acts 8:18, you have “Spirit’. Instead of ‘holy prophets and apostles’ in Rev. 18:20, you have ‘prophets and apostles’.
And that’s just for starters. I hope to share more on this topic next time...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Those Bigoted Christians
Have you ever tried to tell someone Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, only to be told you’re narrow-minded, bigoted, and intolerant?
How dare you be so exclusive as to say there’s only one way to heaven! Even Oprah come to the conclusion years back that she didn’t like that kind of God, a decision that has led her down the new age path with a vengeance as she happily rubs shoulders with Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson.
Someone recently told me I was a bigot for supporting the Florida marriage amendment. I must admit, whenever someone says something like this to me, I feel more than a twinge of guilt and shame. I am, after all, a child of my generation and of the indoctrination I got not only in school, but which the culture tries to inculcate in all of us every single day.
I was recently listening to a sermon by Jon Courson and he had three great points to consider on the subject of why Jesus is the only way.
1) God did it for our protection.
There is one way to get to heaven and only one way. This makes it simple for us -- a black and white choice that even a child can make. Of course, we humans try to complicate the matter by adding various works, sacrifices, and a myriad of other stipulations on what we need to do to ‘earn’ salvation when it’s already a done deal. We can’t seem to leave well enough alone. It’s kind of like the law of gravity which works on the simple principle that what goes up, must come down. Gravity never fails to pull us back to earth anytime we step off into empty space, whether it’s a footstep on a path or a plunge off the Empire State building. However, gravity is also there for our protection -- otherwise we would all go flying off the face of the earth straight into outer space.
2) God did it as a proclamation for us.
In the olden days, a king would send a proclamation throughout the kingdom. Sometimes it was good news for his subjects like a celebration, just the way God’s proclamation of Jesus is good news for us. Sometimes it was more serious news, like a new law that had to be obeyed. You were then free to decide whether you wanted to heed the proclamation, knowing that if you broke it, you’d be hauled off to the nearest dungeon. God has graciously given us the same opportunity. It’s really pretty simple. God said this is the way it is and He can be as exclusive as He wants -- it’s His universe. Like the bumper sticker says, “There is a God, and you’re not it.”
3) God did it as provision for us.
Neither Muhammad nor Buddha nor anyone in any other religion died for your sins so that you could be made holy in the eyes of a perfect God. Only Jesus suffered for us and died in our place. There is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend. I don’t know about you, but I never fail to cry at the beauty of such a sacrifice when I see it in the movies. Just recently, in the film AUSTRALIA, one guy stayed behind to hold off the bad guys so the rest of the group, mostly children, could escape. I had to get out the kleenex because tears were running down my cheeks at this heroic sacrifice which he undertook of his own free will. How much more gratitude, awe, and reverence should we feel when it comes to Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice? And why wouldn’t we want to take advantage of the most wonderful offer in the universe?
Think of all that the next time someone calls you narrow-minded.
How dare you be so exclusive as to say there’s only one way to heaven! Even Oprah come to the conclusion years back that she didn’t like that kind of God, a decision that has led her down the new age path with a vengeance as she happily rubs shoulders with Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson.
Someone recently told me I was a bigot for supporting the Florida marriage amendment. I must admit, whenever someone says something like this to me, I feel more than a twinge of guilt and shame. I am, after all, a child of my generation and of the indoctrination I got not only in school, but which the culture tries to inculcate in all of us every single day.
I was recently listening to a sermon by Jon Courson and he had three great points to consider on the subject of why Jesus is the only way.
1) God did it for our protection.
There is one way to get to heaven and only one way. This makes it simple for us -- a black and white choice that even a child can make. Of course, we humans try to complicate the matter by adding various works, sacrifices, and a myriad of other stipulations on what we need to do to ‘earn’ salvation when it’s already a done deal. We can’t seem to leave well enough alone. It’s kind of like the law of gravity which works on the simple principle that what goes up, must come down. Gravity never fails to pull us back to earth anytime we step off into empty space, whether it’s a footstep on a path or a plunge off the Empire State building. However, gravity is also there for our protection -- otherwise we would all go flying off the face of the earth straight into outer space.
2) God did it as a proclamation for us.
In the olden days, a king would send a proclamation throughout the kingdom. Sometimes it was good news for his subjects like a celebration, just the way God’s proclamation of Jesus is good news for us. Sometimes it was more serious news, like a new law that had to be obeyed. You were then free to decide whether you wanted to heed the proclamation, knowing that if you broke it, you’d be hauled off to the nearest dungeon. God has graciously given us the same opportunity. It’s really pretty simple. God said this is the way it is and He can be as exclusive as He wants -- it’s His universe. Like the bumper sticker says, “There is a God, and you’re not it.”
3) God did it as provision for us.
Neither Muhammad nor Buddha nor anyone in any other religion died for your sins so that you could be made holy in the eyes of a perfect God. Only Jesus suffered for us and died in our place. There is no greater love than to lay your life down for a friend. I don’t know about you, but I never fail to cry at the beauty of such a sacrifice when I see it in the movies. Just recently, in the film AUSTRALIA, one guy stayed behind to hold off the bad guys so the rest of the group, mostly children, could escape. I had to get out the kleenex because tears were running down my cheeks at this heroic sacrifice which he undertook of his own free will. How much more gratitude, awe, and reverence should we feel when it comes to Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice? And why wouldn’t we want to take advantage of the most wonderful offer in the universe?
Think of all that the next time someone calls you narrow-minded.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The War Against Our Children
There’s a war going on against our children.
Never mind that all kids are being taught the theory of evolution as fact when there is absolutely NO PROOF. Never mind that they’re being told they’re nothing more than an animal that evolved from the primeval goo. There’s a lot of other dastardly stuff going on in our schools in the name of education when it’s really total indoctrination.
The textbooks are filled with liberal lies these days. They’re rewriting history, bending and twisting the facts just like the Communists did. One history text states that the Spanish were more brutal than the Aztecs. Can anything really compete for brutality with a culture whose religion called for ripping beating hearts out of people’s chests by the millions? None of the texts reveal that Columbus’ main purpose in looking for a route to the Indies was to evangelize in the name of Christ (you can read all about it in his diary). Kids are told he was a greedy glory-hound, looking solely for riches and fame. It's not just the history from centuries ago that's being changed. Most of the history books now call Reagan a war monger while pushing the ridiculous and unhistorical notion that Gorbachev was responsible for bringing down the Berlin Wall. Pages are spent on Islam while the Judeo-Christian worldview responsible for the founding of this beautiful, free country and the ending of slavery among other things is barely covered. In one text Jesus is even called a Palestinian.
When it comes to grades, the schools are coddling our kids in a self-destructive way. Grades have become inflated even as the SAT test scores continue to drop... in spite of the test being made easier. Now they’re talking about doing away with the dreaded red pen in marking papers -- after all, it might hurt the kids’ feelings. Many schools are doing everything in their power not to give out F’s either. Instead they give you an H (for held) and allow the student 12 weeks to make up the work. Other schools hand out NY’s meaning Not Yet, as if the kid is a cake that’s not quite done. If you’re wondering why so many kids can’t spell, blame it on school systems that refuse to mark down for spelling mistakes. Again, it might damage the kids’ self-esteem.
Everything is based not on equal opportunity but on equal outcomes. That’s why we see stories like the one about the 9 year old Little League pitching phenom. His team was winning every game thanks to his pitching arm, which of course, wasn’t ‘fair’ and so the team was disbanded. This boy was punished for being TOO GOOD!
The latest outrage is an English teacher who’s forcing teens to question why they’re straight! Here are some of the unbelievable questions included in her questionnaire... Is it possible your being straight stems from a neurotic fear of the same sex? What caused your heterosexuality? Is it possible this is a phase you might grow out of? Do your parents know you’re straight? Do your friends and roommates know? Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality -- can’t you just keep it quiet? Why do you heterosexuals feel compelled to seduce others into your lifestyle? This teacher says this provides a guide for a discussion on tolerance and that it will help instill critical thinking skills. Her goal is to have kids think for themselves so they won’t have to depend on mom and dad.
All of these tactics have one end in sight -- the destruction of a Biblical worldview in our children. These people know that you transform the world by changing the children. They have no qualms in pushing their agenda.
I wish we Christians would be even half as bold.
Never mind that all kids are being taught the theory of evolution as fact when there is absolutely NO PROOF. Never mind that they’re being told they’re nothing more than an animal that evolved from the primeval goo. There’s a lot of other dastardly stuff going on in our schools in the name of education when it’s really total indoctrination.
The textbooks are filled with liberal lies these days. They’re rewriting history, bending and twisting the facts just like the Communists did. One history text states that the Spanish were more brutal than the Aztecs. Can anything really compete for brutality with a culture whose religion called for ripping beating hearts out of people’s chests by the millions? None of the texts reveal that Columbus’ main purpose in looking for a route to the Indies was to evangelize in the name of Christ (you can read all about it in his diary). Kids are told he was a greedy glory-hound, looking solely for riches and fame. It's not just the history from centuries ago that's being changed. Most of the history books now call Reagan a war monger while pushing the ridiculous and unhistorical notion that Gorbachev was responsible for bringing down the Berlin Wall. Pages are spent on Islam while the Judeo-Christian worldview responsible for the founding of this beautiful, free country and the ending of slavery among other things is barely covered. In one text Jesus is even called a Palestinian.
When it comes to grades, the schools are coddling our kids in a self-destructive way. Grades have become inflated even as the SAT test scores continue to drop... in spite of the test being made easier. Now they’re talking about doing away with the dreaded red pen in marking papers -- after all, it might hurt the kids’ feelings. Many schools are doing everything in their power not to give out F’s either. Instead they give you an H (for held) and allow the student 12 weeks to make up the work. Other schools hand out NY’s meaning Not Yet, as if the kid is a cake that’s not quite done. If you’re wondering why so many kids can’t spell, blame it on school systems that refuse to mark down for spelling mistakes. Again, it might damage the kids’ self-esteem.
Everything is based not on equal opportunity but on equal outcomes. That’s why we see stories like the one about the 9 year old Little League pitching phenom. His team was winning every game thanks to his pitching arm, which of course, wasn’t ‘fair’ and so the team was disbanded. This boy was punished for being TOO GOOD!
The latest outrage is an English teacher who’s forcing teens to question why they’re straight! Here are some of the unbelievable questions included in her questionnaire... Is it possible your being straight stems from a neurotic fear of the same sex? What caused your heterosexuality? Is it possible this is a phase you might grow out of? Do your parents know you’re straight? Do your friends and roommates know? Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality -- can’t you just keep it quiet? Why do you heterosexuals feel compelled to seduce others into your lifestyle? This teacher says this provides a guide for a discussion on tolerance and that it will help instill critical thinking skills. Her goal is to have kids think for themselves so they won’t have to depend on mom and dad.
All of these tactics have one end in sight -- the destruction of a Biblical worldview in our children. These people know that you transform the world by changing the children. They have no qualms in pushing their agenda.
I wish we Christians would be even half as bold.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday Miscellanea
Obama has chosen people for his cabinet who are very much in favor of the United Nations (Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Susan Rice as U.N. Ambassador among others). This is not a good thing for America. The U.N. is heavily weighted in favor of Muslim countries and spends a major portion of its time coming up with resolutions that bash Israel even as they set aside days to honor and promote the Palestinians. The U.N. has also been pushing the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This sounds like a good thing until you learn it’s another ploy to take away the authority of parents in favor of the state. Whenever a child’s ‘rights’ are being violated (they don’t want to go to church, maybe, or they refuse to attend the school you’ve chosen for them), they would have access to a lawyer so they could SUE THEIR PARENTS!! (Something similar has already happened in Canada where a teenage daughter sued her father over his disciplinary decision and she won!). The U.N also wants to get rid of Mother’s Day because it discriminates against women who don’t have children! How off-course and wacky can you get? America needs to get out of the U.N., the sooner the better.
Freedom of speech took another hit when an African-American woman was fired from her job teaching at a university for saying that homosexuality is NOT a civil right. As she correctly pointed out, she can’t wake up tomorrow and NOT be a black woman, while who you have sex with is a total choice. She’s now suing the school.
Communism may be coming to a school near you sooner than you think. The Four Pillars of Lifelong Learning from the Chinese model are:
1. Eliminate tests and grades. (We’re well on our way to doing this with the growing practice of not giving out failing grades because of our ridiculous fear of harming our kids’ self-esteem).
2. Make truth a relative value. (The secular agenda in our schools has seen to this. In one case, college students admitted they didn’t agree with Hitler’s actions in killing 6 million Jews, but they refused to come right out and say he was wrong!).
3. Make education serve the masses. (The National Education Association is seeing to this as I talked about in a previous blog).
4. Combine education with labor. (One way we’re doing this in Florida is by making kids choose a major while still in junior high. I thought schools were supposed to educate you, not channel you into the job market before you even hit puberty!).
Just to get you in the spirit of the holidays, Planned Parenthood is offering gift certificates. Now you can give an abortion for Christmas!
The Atheists are out in full force this season. Their latest coup is a sign the governor of Washington state placed next to the Nativity Scene in the state capitol building which says God is a myth and that religion hardens hearts and closes minds. Someone should tell these guys that it takes more faith NOT to believe in God. If you’re a atheist, you must believe that 1) life came from non-life, 2) intelligence came from non-intelligence, 3) cause came from no cause, and 4) meaning came from meaninglessness. Thanks, but no thanks.
E-Harmony, the online dating service, has agreed to match same sex couples after being sued by a homosexual for discrimination, even though there are plenty of gay dating services available on the Internet. Although the company was started by a Christian, the case never went to trial because they feared the financial consequences of standing up for what’s right and settled out of court. No one seems to realize that same sex marriage not only violates God’s law, it’s got failure built right in. Same sex marriage is artificial. It needs state intervention to succeed. It also causes standard rights to decline right along with traditional marriage, thereby leading to the disintegration of the society in which it’s practiced.
Freedom of speech took another hit when an African-American woman was fired from her job teaching at a university for saying that homosexuality is NOT a civil right. As she correctly pointed out, she can’t wake up tomorrow and NOT be a black woman, while who you have sex with is a total choice. She’s now suing the school.
Communism may be coming to a school near you sooner than you think. The Four Pillars of Lifelong Learning from the Chinese model are:
1. Eliminate tests and grades. (We’re well on our way to doing this with the growing practice of not giving out failing grades because of our ridiculous fear of harming our kids’ self-esteem).
2. Make truth a relative value. (The secular agenda in our schools has seen to this. In one case, college students admitted they didn’t agree with Hitler’s actions in killing 6 million Jews, but they refused to come right out and say he was wrong!).
3. Make education serve the masses. (The National Education Association is seeing to this as I talked about in a previous blog).
4. Combine education with labor. (One way we’re doing this in Florida is by making kids choose a major while still in junior high. I thought schools were supposed to educate you, not channel you into the job market before you even hit puberty!).
Just to get you in the spirit of the holidays, Planned Parenthood is offering gift certificates. Now you can give an abortion for Christmas!
The Atheists are out in full force this season. Their latest coup is a sign the governor of Washington state placed next to the Nativity Scene in the state capitol building which says God is a myth and that religion hardens hearts and closes minds. Someone should tell these guys that it takes more faith NOT to believe in God. If you’re a atheist, you must believe that 1) life came from non-life, 2) intelligence came from non-intelligence, 3) cause came from no cause, and 4) meaning came from meaninglessness. Thanks, but no thanks.
E-Harmony, the online dating service, has agreed to match same sex couples after being sued by a homosexual for discrimination, even though there are plenty of gay dating services available on the Internet. Although the company was started by a Christian, the case never went to trial because they feared the financial consequences of standing up for what’s right and settled out of court. No one seems to realize that same sex marriage not only violates God’s law, it’s got failure built right in. Same sex marriage is artificial. It needs state intervention to succeed. It also causes standard rights to decline right along with traditional marriage, thereby leading to the disintegration of the society in which it’s practiced.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Bible vs Evolution
Did you know the Bible and the theory of evolution stand in total opposition to each other?
The Bible says plants were made before the sun. Evolution says that the sun came first.
The Bible says marine mammals were made before land mammals. Evolution says the land mammals came first.
The Bible says that birds were made before reptiles. Evolution has birds evolving from dinosaurs.
The Bible says the earth’s atmosphere was created between two layers of water. Evolution says the atmosphere was above the water.
The Bible says man brought death into the world. Evolution says death brought man into the world.
The Bible says God created man. Evolution says man created God.
There’s no way these two can be reconciled, although the Catholic Church among others tries with a theistic version of evolution that says each day of creation was composed of millions or even billions of years. Right away you realize it still doesn’t work because if plants were created first as the Bible says, they couldn’t have survived for millions of years without the sun.
The idea that God created the universe and then let evolution take over is ludicrous. Anyone who knows the God of the Bible would realize the fallacy of this idea immediately. God would never condone such a cruel mechanism as evolution which calls for the death and suffering of millions in order for the ‘strongest’ to survive. God created everything there is and then declared it good. Evolution is certainly not good.
The bottom line is that you either have to believe God created the universe exactly as it says in the Bible or you have to believe in the godless and totally unproven theory of evolution.
I find that a no-brainer.
The Bible says plants were made before the sun. Evolution says that the sun came first.
The Bible says marine mammals were made before land mammals. Evolution says the land mammals came first.
The Bible says that birds were made before reptiles. Evolution has birds evolving from dinosaurs.
The Bible says the earth’s atmosphere was created between two layers of water. Evolution says the atmosphere was above the water.
The Bible says man brought death into the world. Evolution says death brought man into the world.
The Bible says God created man. Evolution says man created God.
There’s no way these two can be reconciled, although the Catholic Church among others tries with a theistic version of evolution that says each day of creation was composed of millions or even billions of years. Right away you realize it still doesn’t work because if plants were created first as the Bible says, they couldn’t have survived for millions of years without the sun.
The idea that God created the universe and then let evolution take over is ludicrous. Anyone who knows the God of the Bible would realize the fallacy of this idea immediately. God would never condone such a cruel mechanism as evolution which calls for the death and suffering of millions in order for the ‘strongest’ to survive. God created everything there is and then declared it good. Evolution is certainly not good.
The bottom line is that you either have to believe God created the universe exactly as it says in the Bible or you have to believe in the godless and totally unproven theory of evolution.
I find that a no-brainer.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Communist Agenda
I recently learned what’s contained in the Communist Manifesto and the rules they’ve set out in order to foment a communist revolution. I had no idea how far we’ve gone down the very path we fought so hard against throughout the 20th century. This is a path that will destroy the very freedoms we all love.
For example, Communists are in favor of a progressive income tax. We already have this -- the more you make, the more they take. If things continue the way the new administration wants them to, this could grow even worse. Most Americans already work half a year or more just to pay their taxes.
Communists favor a central bank. We have this as well -- it’s called the Federal Reserve. The people who run it are NOT elected and there's no way to recall them, yet they control our economy.
Getting control of the media is a key step. We have the FCC which monitors the airwaves and which the new administration might use in order to implement the so-called Fairness Doctrine. If and when this happens, the (liberal) government will truly control everything we hear and wipe out a major portion of dissenting (conservative) voices in this country.
Communists want free public education because they get to set the curriculum. In the U.S., the states are supposed to handle this, but the federal government has long since gotten involved with No Child Left Behind being one current example. Our schools have abolished all signs of Christianity and now teach secular humanism (which is itself a religion though no one likes to admit this out loud) and evolution. They indoctrinate our children into accepting tolerance (the homosexual/bisexual/transgender agenda) and diversity (all cultures are equal and good except for the evil Judeo-Christian western civilization upon which America was founded). Thus they teach our youth to hate their own country.
Communists are atheists and very much approve of the tactic of corrupting the young and getting them away from religion. They're happy to break down moral virtue. They encourage a soft government attitude towards crime (ours gets softer all the time with the way we coddle criminals at the expense of the victims). This is all in the name of gaining control over an ever more chaotic society. The more you can divide people into hostile groups based on race, gender, and sexual orientation, the more fertile the soil for communism (and its cousin socialism) to take root.
Diverting people’s attention from their government by focusing it on athletics and sex is another ploy. I’ll bet people know more about their favorite football team and can list the players and their positions much more readily than they can name their senators and representatives in Congress or how the three branches of our government work. As for sex, it’s everywhere, forcing kids to become sexualized at younger and younger ages.
The Communist agenda works best by destroying people’s faith in their leaders in any way possible. These days Congress has a single digit approval rating and the president isn’t far behind (or should I say ahead?). Our media has worked hard these past eight years to totally destroy President Bush who can’t win no matter what he does. Now the media is over the moon about Barack Obama which means we’ll go to the other unhealthy extreme that often leads to demagoguery.
The basis for all of the above is evolution. Evolution is much more than a theory; it’s a religion. That's why it's the only theory taught in the schools. That’s why scientists are not allowed to disagree or even raise questions about its tenets without having their entire careers jeopardized. (Check out the movie EXPELLED if you want to know more on this topic). That’s why discredited illustrations used to fake results in favor of evolution can STILL be found in current textbooks. When Communists take over a country, the first thing they do, even before pushing communism, is to start teaching evolution. Evolution is responsible for the many evils of our modern world including Nazism, fascism, and communism. It will eventually form the foundation of the New World Order.
Perhaps evolution is the end times lie the Bible speaks of when it says ‘... and for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie’ (2 Thes 2:11).
For example, Communists are in favor of a progressive income tax. We already have this -- the more you make, the more they take. If things continue the way the new administration wants them to, this could grow even worse. Most Americans already work half a year or more just to pay their taxes.
Communists favor a central bank. We have this as well -- it’s called the Federal Reserve. The people who run it are NOT elected and there's no way to recall them, yet they control our economy.
Getting control of the media is a key step. We have the FCC which monitors the airwaves and which the new administration might use in order to implement the so-called Fairness Doctrine. If and when this happens, the (liberal) government will truly control everything we hear and wipe out a major portion of dissenting (conservative) voices in this country.
Communists want free public education because they get to set the curriculum. In the U.S., the states are supposed to handle this, but the federal government has long since gotten involved with No Child Left Behind being one current example. Our schools have abolished all signs of Christianity and now teach secular humanism (which is itself a religion though no one likes to admit this out loud) and evolution. They indoctrinate our children into accepting tolerance (the homosexual/bisexual/transgender agenda) and diversity (all cultures are equal and good except for the evil Judeo-Christian western civilization upon which America was founded). Thus they teach our youth to hate their own country.
Communists are atheists and very much approve of the tactic of corrupting the young and getting them away from religion. They're happy to break down moral virtue. They encourage a soft government attitude towards crime (ours gets softer all the time with the way we coddle criminals at the expense of the victims). This is all in the name of gaining control over an ever more chaotic society. The more you can divide people into hostile groups based on race, gender, and sexual orientation, the more fertile the soil for communism (and its cousin socialism) to take root.
Diverting people’s attention from their government by focusing it on athletics and sex is another ploy. I’ll bet people know more about their favorite football team and can list the players and their positions much more readily than they can name their senators and representatives in Congress or how the three branches of our government work. As for sex, it’s everywhere, forcing kids to become sexualized at younger and younger ages.
The Communist agenda works best by destroying people’s faith in their leaders in any way possible. These days Congress has a single digit approval rating and the president isn’t far behind (or should I say ahead?). Our media has worked hard these past eight years to totally destroy President Bush who can’t win no matter what he does. Now the media is over the moon about Barack Obama which means we’ll go to the other unhealthy extreme that often leads to demagoguery.
The basis for all of the above is evolution. Evolution is much more than a theory; it’s a religion. That's why it's the only theory taught in the schools. That’s why scientists are not allowed to disagree or even raise questions about its tenets without having their entire careers jeopardized. (Check out the movie EXPELLED if you want to know more on this topic). That’s why discredited illustrations used to fake results in favor of evolution can STILL be found in current textbooks. When Communists take over a country, the first thing they do, even before pushing communism, is to start teaching evolution. Evolution is responsible for the many evils of our modern world including Nazism, fascism, and communism. It will eventually form the foundation of the New World Order.
Perhaps evolution is the end times lie the Bible speaks of when it says ‘... and for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie’ (2 Thes 2:11).
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