Thursday, December 11, 2008

The War Against Our Children

There’s a war going on against our children.

Never mind that all kids are being taught the theory of evolution as fact when there is absolutely NO PROOF. Never mind that they’re being told they’re nothing more than an animal that evolved from the primeval goo. There’s a lot of other dastardly stuff going on in our schools in the name of education when it’s really total indoctrination.

The textbooks are filled with liberal lies these days. They’re rewriting history, bending and twisting the facts just like the Communists did. One history text states that the Spanish were more brutal than the Aztecs. Can anything really compete for brutality with a culture whose religion called for ripping beating hearts out of people’s chests by the millions? None of the texts reveal that Columbus’ main purpose in looking for a route to the Indies was to evangelize in the name of Christ (you can read all about it in his diary). Kids are told he was a greedy glory-hound, looking solely for riches and fame. It's not just the history from centuries ago that's being changed. Most of the history books now call Reagan a war monger while pushing the ridiculous and unhistorical notion that Gorbachev was responsible for bringing down the Berlin Wall. Pages are spent on Islam while the Judeo-Christian worldview responsible for the founding of this beautiful, free country and the ending of slavery among other things is barely covered. In one text Jesus is even called a Palestinian.

When it comes to grades, the schools are coddling our kids in a self-destructive way. Grades have become inflated even as the SAT test scores continue to drop... in spite of the test being made easier. Now they’re talking about doing away with the dreaded red pen in marking papers -- after all, it might hurt the kids’ feelings. Many schools are doing everything in their power not to give out F’s either. Instead they give you an H (for held) and allow the student 12 weeks to make up the work. Other schools hand out NY’s meaning Not Yet, as if the kid is a cake that’s not quite done. If you’re wondering why so many kids can’t spell, blame it on school systems that refuse to mark down for spelling mistakes. Again, it might damage the kids’ self-esteem.

Everything is based not on equal opportunity but on equal outcomes. That’s why we see stories like the one about the 9 year old Little League pitching phenom. His team was winning every game thanks to his pitching arm, which of course, wasn’t ‘fair’ and so the team was disbanded. This boy was punished for being TOO GOOD!

The latest outrage is an English teacher who’s forcing teens to question why they’re straight! Here are some of the unbelievable questions included in her questionnaire... Is it possible your being straight stems from a neurotic fear of the same sex? What caused your heterosexuality? Is it possible this is a phase you might grow out of? Do your parents know you’re straight? Do your friends and roommates know? Why do you insist on flaunting your heterosexuality -- can’t you just keep it quiet? Why do you heterosexuals feel compelled to seduce others into your lifestyle? This teacher says this provides a guide for a discussion on tolerance and that it will help instill critical thinking skills. Her goal is to have kids think for themselves so they won’t have to depend on mom and dad.

All of these tactics have one end in sight -- the destruction of a Biblical worldview in our children. These people know that you transform the world by changing the children. They have no qualms in pushing their agenda.

I wish we Christians would be even half as bold.

1 comment:

stephen said...

Great Post Marilyn
I remember being in school and I've never heard of any such enagalistic mission by Columbus. It angers me that I missed out on learning that and many other facts about our christian roots in America.
It's no wonder why so many children drop out of school.....bordem.
The truth is som much more interesting and also sows the seeds for an interest in the eternal as children discover the void in their own hearts that can only be filled with the knowledge and active relationship with God.
And then all that homosexual agenda stuff thats going on now wasn't going on when I went to school. Now more than ever I want my girls in a private christian enviorrment.