Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday Miscellanea

Obama has chosen people for his cabinet who are very much in favor of the United Nations (Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Susan Rice as U.N. Ambassador among others). This is not a good thing for America. The U.N. is heavily weighted in favor of Muslim countries and spends a major portion of its time coming up with resolutions that bash Israel even as they set aside days to honor and promote the Palestinians. The U.N. has also been pushing the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This sounds like a good thing until you learn it’s another ploy to take away the authority of parents in favor of the state. Whenever a child’s ‘rights’ are being violated (they don’t want to go to church, maybe, or they refuse to attend the school you’ve chosen for them), they would have access to a lawyer so they could SUE THEIR PARENTS!! (Something similar has already happened in Canada where a teenage daughter sued her father over his disciplinary decision and she won!). The U.N also wants to get rid of Mother’s Day because it discriminates against women who don’t have children! How off-course and wacky can you get? America needs to get out of the U.N., the sooner the better.

Freedom of speech took another hit when an African-American woman was fired from her job teaching at a university for saying that homosexuality is NOT a civil right. As she correctly pointed out, she can’t wake up tomorrow and NOT be a black woman, while who you have sex with is a total choice. She’s now suing the school.

Communism may be coming to a school near you sooner than you think. The Four Pillars of Lifelong Learning from the Chinese model are:
1. Eliminate tests and grades. (We’re well on our way to doing this with the growing practice of not giving out failing grades because of our ridiculous fear of harming our kids’ self-esteem).
2. Make truth a relative value. (The secular agenda in our schools has seen to this. In one case, college students admitted they didn’t agree with Hitler’s actions in killing 6 million Jews, but they refused to come right out and say he was wrong!).
3. Make education serve the masses. (The National Education Association is seeing to this as I talked about in a previous blog).
4. Combine education with labor. (One way we’re doing this in Florida is by making kids choose a major while still in junior high. I thought schools were supposed to educate you, not channel you into the job market before you even hit puberty!).

Just to get you in the spirit of the holidays, Planned Parenthood is offering gift certificates. Now you can give an abortion for Christmas!

The Atheists are out in full force this season. Their latest coup is a sign the governor of Washington state placed next to the Nativity Scene in the state capitol building which says God is a myth and that religion hardens hearts and closes minds. Someone should tell these guys that it takes more faith NOT to believe in God. If you’re a atheist, you must believe that 1) life came from non-life, 2) intelligence came from non-intelligence, 3) cause came from no cause, and 4) meaning came from meaninglessness. Thanks, but no thanks.

E-Harmony, the online dating service, has agreed to match same sex couples after being sued by a homosexual for discrimination, even though there are plenty of gay dating services available on the Internet. Although the company was started by a Christian, the case never went to trial because they feared the financial consequences of standing up for what’s right and settled out of court. No one seems to realize that same sex marriage not only violates God’s law, it’s got failure built right in. Same sex marriage is artificial. It needs state intervention to succeed. It also causes standard rights to decline right along with traditional marriage, thereby leading to the disintegration of the society in which it’s practiced.

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