Monday, December 29, 2008

Modern Baal Worship

Anyone who’s read their Bible knows about Baal, the Canaanite god who was worshipped back in the days of the ancient Israelites. God’s chosen people were often in deep hot water for turning away from God and putting their trust in this stone idol.

Of course, we laugh at such a thing today. None of us would ever worship something so obviously created by man.

Or would we?

Baal worship revolved around three main principles... child sacrifice, sexual immorality, and pantheism.

Child sacrifice was brutal and blood-curdling. A baby or young child was burned alive before a statue of the god. It was known as making your children pass through the fire and it was considered an abomination that was absolutely and unambiguously forbidden by God.

Sexual immorality in those days was of the hetero- and homosexual variety. Men and women would have orgies with members of either sex in order to help the fertility of the land. The problem of getting pregnant and not wanting the child was easily taken care of in one of two ways -- either you had sex with a same-sex partner or you provided fodder for the next child sacrifice.

Pantheism is the belief that God is in all things and all things are god. This boils down to a reverence of the creation over the Creator.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it.

When it comes to child sacrifice, we just happen to handle it more efficiently by killing the child in the womb through abortion. No messy ashes and smoky fires, no sooty residue.

As for the sexual immorality part -- we have that covered in spades. Sex outside of marriage (i.e. fornication), pornography, incest, sodomy, and homosexuality abound. Just in case we don’t have the time ourselves to indulge, we can watch other people perform all these acts and many more in the movies and on TV, or we can read about them in magazines and bestselling novels. What’s even worse, when it comes to adultery and homosexuality, we insist that it’s all part and parcel of a loving relationship.

If you think we don't reverence the creation rather than the Creator, just take a look at the evolution that’s being forced down our throats by the media and indoctrinated into our children in school. According to the Darwinists, the Creator had nothing to do with making the universe or planet earth or any of the creatures living on it. We even have a breed of radical environmentalists who put animals and the environment above the needs of human beings. If that’s not pantheism, I don’t know what is. As for the concept of global warming, this is more of a faith-based religion than science -- at least if you truly examine the facts. Your career can be in jeopardy if you don’t fall in line with this latest pronouncement from on high. And yet, only thirty or so years ago, scientists were warning of an impending ice age.

Welcome to Baal worship, 21st century style. As it says in Ecclesiastes, there’s nothing new under the sun.

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