Monday, December 1, 2008

The Communist Agenda

I recently learned what’s contained in the Communist Manifesto and the rules they’ve set out in order to foment a communist revolution. I had no idea how far we’ve gone down the very path we fought so hard against throughout the 20th century. This is a path that will destroy the very freedoms we all love.

For example, Communists are in favor of a progressive income tax. We already have this -- the more you make, the more they take. If things continue the way the new administration wants them to, this could grow even worse. Most Americans already work half a year or more just to pay their taxes.

Communists favor a central bank. We have this as well -- it’s called the Federal Reserve. The people who run it are NOT elected and there's no way to recall them, yet they control our economy.

Getting control of the media is a key step. We have the FCC which monitors the airwaves and which the new administration might use in order to implement the so-called Fairness Doctrine. If and when this happens, the (liberal) government will truly control everything we hear and wipe out a major portion of dissenting (conservative) voices in this country.

Communists want free public education because they get to set the curriculum. In the U.S., the states are supposed to handle this, but the federal government has long since gotten involved with No Child Left Behind being one current example. Our schools have abolished all signs of Christianity and now teach secular humanism (which is itself a religion though no one likes to admit this out loud) and evolution. They indoctrinate our children into accepting tolerance (the homosexual/bisexual/transgender agenda) and diversity (all cultures are equal and good except for the evil Judeo-Christian western civilization upon which America was founded). Thus they teach our youth to hate their own country.

Communists are atheists and very much approve of the tactic of corrupting the young and getting them away from religion. They're happy to break down moral virtue. They encourage a soft government attitude towards crime (ours gets softer all the time with the way we coddle criminals at the expense of the victims). This is all in the name of gaining control over an ever more chaotic society. The more you can divide people into hostile groups based on race, gender, and sexual orientation, the more fertile the soil for communism (and its cousin socialism) to take root.

Diverting people’s attention from their government by focusing it on athletics and sex is another ploy. I’ll bet people know more about their favorite football team and can list the players and their positions much more readily than they can name their senators and representatives in Congress or how the three branches of our government work. As for sex, it’s everywhere, forcing kids to become sexualized at younger and younger ages.

The Communist agenda works best by destroying people’s faith in their leaders in any way possible. These days Congress has a single digit approval rating and the president isn’t far behind (or should I say ahead?). Our media has worked hard these past eight years to totally destroy President Bush who can’t win no matter what he does. Now the media is over the moon about Barack Obama which means we’ll go to the other unhealthy extreme that often leads to demagoguery.

The basis for all of the above is evolution. Evolution is much more than a theory; it’s a religion. That's why it's the only theory taught in the schools. That’s why scientists are not allowed to disagree or even raise questions about its tenets without having their entire careers jeopardized. (Check out the movie EXPELLED if you want to know more on this topic). That’s why discredited illustrations used to fake results in favor of evolution can STILL be found in current textbooks. When Communists take over a country, the first thing they do, even before pushing communism, is to start teaching evolution. Evolution is responsible for the many evils of our modern world including Nazism, fascism, and communism. It will eventually form the foundation of the New World Order.

Perhaps evolution is the end times lie the Bible speaks of when it says ‘... and for this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie’ (2 Thes 2:11).

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