Monday, October 6, 2008

The Fall of America

There were five primary reasons why the Roman empire fell according to Edward Gibbon in his famous book THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE.

1. Undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home.
We see this going on in our culture in spades. Broken homes, blended families, homosexual marriage. How can you have the sanctity of marriage and the home with a divorce rate of 50%. Women who don’t work outside the home are made to feel deficient because they are ‘only housewives’.

2. Higher and higher taxes.
More and more of our earnings go to taxes which are then used to bail out other peoples’ bad decisions (the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac bailout fiasco) or wasted by Congress in every way imaginable from pork barrel spending to supporting Planned Parenthood and their systematic program of abortions.

3. Mad craze for pleasure.
Movies, TV, sports. People do little else in their spare time. Have you ever read about some of those Victorian era people? They crammed 3 or 4 lifetimes worth of career and scientific discoveries into one, plus wrote thousands of letters and kept extensive diaries and raised families.

4. Building of great armaments even though the enemy was within.
We’ve cut back for a while, but with rogue nuclear weapons floating around out there ready to fall into the hands of terrorists, we can’t afford to grow slack on this front. At the same time, we are allowing ourselves to be weakened from within when we kowtow to the Muslims, illegal immigrants, and the ACLU (which tries to undermine everything religious from the landscape that even breathes a hint of Christianity while catering to everything else) just to name a few.

5. Decay of religion fading into mere form, thus losing the power to guide the people.
We’re living in a secular society. Churches no longer influence national character the way they once did and the culture shows it. Christians have abdicated their role of being salt and light and merely go to church every Sunday while burying their religion the rest of the week so that they’re basically undercover and no one even suspects they’re Christians.

There is no longer any relation between character and destiny. The cream of our nation does not rise to the top on a consistent basis anymore. And as the Founding Fathers pointed out, our kind of constitutional republic only works with a moral and religious people, not the anything goes moral relativism of our current culture.

I think ‘all of the above’ is the reason America is not found in end times prophecy. We will likely fall economically, militarily, and morally and will be in no position to defend ourselves let alone the apple of God’s eye, Israel, when the time comes.

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