Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Visitor's Center in Washington D.C.

The new $600 million Visitor’s Center in our nation’s capital is deliberately trying to rewrite history by taking God out of it.

The anti-God path that the anti-religion minority in this country seems determined to trod (with plenty of help from the ACLU) is getting downright depressing. Their onslaught against this country’s founding values grows more relentless every year and comes from every side.

For two hundred plus years we have proudly displayed God on our national monuments. He’s featured on our dollar bills and on our coins (although ‘In God We Trust’ has now been placed around the outside rim rather than on the actual face of the coin). He shows up in our Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution. Yes, there’s a war against God going on and it’s time for the people, the majority of us who believe in God, to step forward in protest.

It’s no news that this anti-God business in our national monuments started before the Visitor’s Center was a gleam in someone’s eye. The FDR memorial makes no mention of God, in spite of the fact that FDR was not afraid to defer to God and actually led the nation in prayer over the radio.

The WWII Memorial was the second national monument built that has no acknowledgment of God. The quote they use from Eisenhower conveniently stops just a few words short of where his appeal to God begins.

Censoring God in general has been on the rise since they took prayer out of the schools, but lately it seems like it’s becoming a terrible juggernaut everywhere you turn. Another casualty is the recent halting of the flag folding ceremony because God is mentioned... the fact that the participants want to retain these references to God seems to make no difference.

Which brings me back to the Visitor’s Center and the unbelievable audacity of these take-God-out-of-history revisionist nuts. They show images of the inside of the house chamber -- you know the place, it’s where ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’ is etched into the wall behind where the Speaker of the House stands. Sounds like a good thing until you discover they’ve removed the phrase, leaving the wall blank. I’ve heard of airbrushing cover models, but wiping out the living, breathing details of our revered architecture because it doesn’t agree with someone’s secular viewpoint is downright evil.

In one document they took out the words ‘in the year of our Lord’. That’s the kind of thing the Communists did when they wanted to rewrite history to suit themselves. Talk about unethical. You’re tampering with a historical document, for pete’s sake.

Not only that, it seems they have many of their facts wrong including details about the War of 1812. You’d think with that much money involved they could find someone who knows the actual history.

One congressman called the Visitor’s Center a “$600 million godless pit’.

Sadly, I have to agree.

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