Monday, October 13, 2008

Hitler's Cross

Hitler is obviously a type of the AntiChrist, but I never realized how much so and how much our country is traveling down the same road as Nazi Germany.

Try these facts on for size...

Hitler outlawed school prayer. We did that decades ago.

He eliminated Christian holidays in school. We’ve basically done the same thing by removing Christmas and Easter from our lexicon and calling these holidays Winter and Spring break.

He promoted paganism, eastern mysticism, and environmentalism.

He killed 6 million Jews. We’ve killed 50 million unborn babies.

He abolished private schools. Only Nazi-approved ideology was allowed. We’re doing something similar. Our public schools promote a politically correct liberal curricula that includes secularism, cultural diversity, global warming caused by man, and the homosexual agenda. I just read where a first grade class in San Francisco was bussed to their teacher’s lesbian wedding ceremony and encouraged to participate with bubble makers and rose petals to toss in her path.

He took control of the media. We have the blatantly liberal left-leaning media which will likely really spiral out of control if Obama gets elected. If that happens, they’ll also probably be able to get the so-called Fairness Doctrine passed which targets the only media NOT controlled by the liberals and which will virtually wipe out conservative Christian talk radio as we know it.

He prosecuted pastors for teaching the word of God as proclaimed in the Bible. This is already happening in Europe and Canada where pastors have been jailed for preaching about the sin of homosexuality.

He outlawed the cross and replaced it with the swastika.

He pushed neutrality and was obsessed with globalism.

When Hitler’s henchmen persecuted the Jews, they couldn’t be accused of breaking the law because he’d already changed them. When you take God away as the basis for government, something going on in this country right now, you have no recourse if the state decides to take away your rights.

He wouldn't allow the teaching of creationism. He used the doctrine of Darwinian evolution to justify the killing of Jews to ‘purify the race’.

The people of Germany accepted the socialism he was pushing because they didn’t want the pain, just the way we’re doing now with this massive Wall Street/Fannie/Freddie bailout among other socialist solutions we’ve taken or perhaps will take (like national health care paid for by the government).

I was blown away by these facts about Nazi Germany and this is just a sampling. It’s all laid out and much more in a revealing, fascinating book called HITLER'S CROSS by Erwin Lutzer. There are so many lessons we can learn from the past -- if we will simply open our eyes. The scariest lesson of all is that the absence of any guidance by the churches in Germany was a big factor in what happened there. Even the pope refused to speak out against the systematic annihilation of the Jews.

A telling question for us here in America is where are the majority of our churches today? Are they going to continue on with business as usual while our nation plummets on its moral, political, spiritual, and economic downward spiral or are they going to take a stand?

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