Thursday, October 23, 2008


These items speak for themselves...

Greenpeace activists were acquitted on the charge of causing $61,000 in damages to a coal-based power station. The British jury felt the danger of global warming justified it. What’s next, acquittals of murderers because their victim harassed them and thus the killing was justified?

In Spain, apes have been declared to have human rights. With one stroke of the pen, humans suddenly became just another animal in the forest. Next time you’re in a bar, maybe you should buy that ape next to you a drink.

Switzerland has gone even further in the craziness department. They’ve declared that experimenters working with plants must give due consideration to their dignity. So they must safeguard the plants’ independence, i.e. their reproductive and adaptive ability. Think of that next time you’re pruning back your rosebushes.

Al Gore is asking for civil disobedience on coal plants that do not have carbon capture and sequestration. How blatantly hypocritical -- and probably illegal -- for him to foment this kind of protest since he owns shares in competing energy companies.

George W. Bush was the first president to actually propose the establishment of a Palestinian state. He’s had his Secretary of State in the Middle East trying to force the Israelis to give up their heartland. No wonder the natural and economic disasters hitting this country just keep on coming.

Interesting tidbit. The market collapse on September 29, 2008 totaled 777 points and occurred on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year. Seven is God’s special number. Maybe He’s trying to tell us something?!

Do you know the best way to persecute a group? First you identify them, then you marginalize them, then you vilify them, then you pass laws against their activities, and finally you enforce those laws. This is what Hitler did to the Jews and this is what’s happening to Christians around the world. Even here in the U.S. we’re closing in on Stage 4, passing laws against them. This has already been done in Colorado with the bill the governor recently signed into law to include gender as a basis for anti-discrimination. Men can now legally go into women’s restrooms and selling the Bible or any other book that considers homosexuality a sin could be considered illegal. Janet (Folger) Porter flew out there to test the law the day it went into effect by handing out her book THE CRIMINALIZATION OF CHRISTIANITY. She expected to get arrested, but nothing happened. At least for now. But it's coming. One guy has already tried to sue Zondervan, publisher of the NIV Bible, for millions of dollars because of the Bible's stance against homosexuality. I guess you're supposed to leave those parts out.

Ending on a happier note... More good news about FIREPROOF. The movie starring Kirk Cameron has generated $21 million in box office revenue. That’s 40 times what it cost to make! Also, the book that started out as a plot device in the movie, the 40 day love dare that the hero undertakes to save his marriage, has hit the number one spot on the New York Times advice category list and is number six on the general trade paperback list. THE LOVE DARE by the movie’s Stephen and Alex Kendrick is in its 7th printing. You go, guys!

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