Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ten Reasons This Christian Believer is NOT Voting For Obama

10. His running mate, Joe Biden
Every time I turn around, Joe Biden is saying something foolish or outrageous. He obviously doesn’t know history if he thinks Roosevelt was president during the Depression or that he went on TV at that time since there was no TV. Then he said that Obama will be tested as president in the first six months by our enemies. It doesn’t inspire confidence.

9. His disregard for our freedoms
Obama is NOT in favor of guns, he wants to squelch Christian and Conservative talk radio with the so-called Fairness Doctrine, he’s gone after people who don’t agree with him by using the U.S. Justice department and the Missouri Police among others. Look what happened to poor Joe the Plumber. This does not bode well for any of us.

8. His friends
They include Bill Ayers the unrepentant terrorist, Reverend Jeremiah Wright the Black Liberation Theology America-hating racist, Rashid Khalidi mouthpiece for the terrorist PLO, and Tony Rezko, convicted criminal. I wouldn’t give any of them the time of day and yet no matter how much he tries to deny it, Obama has been pals with these guys for years, even decades. Now we’ve just recently learned that independent scientific forensic evidence shows Bill Ayers wrote all or part of Obama’s book Dreams From My Father.

7. His character
Obama has shown he’s lacking in the kind of morals and values this country has always stood for. In fact, he’s downright unpatriotic. He disses America both here and abroad, believes the Constitution is a faulty document, and thinks Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount condones homosexuality. He says he’s a Christian, yet believes there are many ways to heaven. He was born a Muslim, was brought up learning the Koran, and has the support of any number of Islamic terrorist groups around the world. Even his wife said she was only proud of her country for the first time now that her husband is running for president so it obviously runs in the family.

6. His arrogance and disregard for the law
Obama had what looked like the presidential seal on his podium until too many people complained. He had a huge mock up of a Greek temple for his big rally. While he was a sitting Illinois senator, he broke the law by going to Kenya to campaign for his relative Odinga at taxpayer expense. He was involved with and still supports ACORN, an organization wallowing in voter fraud. He’s disabled the security check on his website which means the system doesn’t cross-check a credit card number with an address. As long as the credit card clears, anyone can donate as many times as they like by using the same credit card with various phony names. This has already happened and only the Obama campaign knows how many times although they’re not telling. It helps to explain how he’s been able to raise so much money -- it’s easy when you let foreigners and terrorists as well as American citizens contribute fraudulently.

5. His socialism
Joe the Plumber nailed him on it, but Obama’s socialist ways have been evident from the start for anyone who cares to investigate his record. He wants to grow the government and redistribute the wealth as he sees fit.

4. His stance on Israel
The Israelis are pretty worried about an Obama presidency, especially now that it’s come out how friendly Obama is with Khalidi, Edward Said, and other Israeli-bashers. Israel is the apple of God’s eye. We must support the only democracy in the Middle East and the only real friend America has in that troubled region.

3. His stance on marriage
Obama is totally in favor of homosexual marriage. As has been proven in Europe, once you allow homosexuals to marry, the institution becomes meaningless and people no longer bother getting married. The repercussions to civilization of this massive social experiment will be a lethal moral free fall.

2. His stance on the whole homosexual agenda
He’s in favor of the entire homosexual agenda, including benefits for sex change operations, enforced indoctrination of school children into accepting the homosexual lifestyle, and hate crimes legislation against Christians.

1. His stance on abortion
Obama is in favor of every kind of abortion and infanticide known to man. He’s promised to sign the Freedom of Choice Act just as soon as he can which will wipe out everything the pro-life movement has fought for these past thirty plus years including stopping partial birth abortion and parental notification laws.

As Janet Porter said in her editorial on Tuesday for World Net Daily, if you insist on voting for Obama, at least do us all a favor and quit calling yourself a Christian.

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