Friday, November 28, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Atheist?

What’s the deal with atheists and Christmas?

They don’t believe in God, which means they don’t believe in Jesus Christ. Other people who do believe want to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Why do atheists feel they have any say in anything about a holiday that means nothing to them? Are we supposed to feel sorry for them because they don’t have a holiday of their own at this time of year?

In actuality, the word holiday comes from holy day. So in principle, holidays are religious events. Atheists get the time off just like everyone else and they can do with it as they wish. No one is forcing them to participate. And if someone wishes them a Merry Christmas, so what? That person is just passing along his own happiness with the day and the season. I don’t celebrate Hanukkah, but if someone wished me a Happy Hanukkah, I would say thanks for the good wishes.

Now the atheists feel driven to advertise. It started in Great Britain when the British Humanist Association launched an ad campaign some months back that said ‘There’s probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.’

Then came the billboards in Denver and Colorado Springs that read ‘Don’t believe in god? You are not alone’, while the American Humanist Association has undertaken their own ad campaign on the sides of buses in Washington, D.C., just in time for Christmas. ‘Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness’ sake’ is their advice.

The bottom line on all these sentiments is the same and always has been. These people don’t want to have to answer to God. They feel they should be able to do anything they want anytime they like. They’ve taken the idea of doing what’s right in their own eyes and they’re running with it -- straight to hell, as it turns out.

1 comment:

stephen said...

That was very informative.
I never considered the fact that the word holiday came from holy day!
And as I considered your comment that
fact it doesen't make since for them to be so angry against something that has nothing to do with them since they don;t believe it any way.
The only piece that seems to fit is the fact that whatever or whoever is blinding them to the truth is also stiring up hatred in their hearts as well.
Now they become not only blind but because of their confidence leaders of the blind straight into destruction.
I know of some atheists and I'll be praying for their freedom this holiday season thanks for the reminder Marilyn.